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5 months later

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5 months later

TODAY WAS THE DAY all the 3rd years were going to graduate. You can't believe it went by so fast. Junpei is going to be gone in 2 weeks. You watched as he got ready.

"Ew stop staring." He said and you sent him a glare. "Ok I hope you trip on the stage then" he turned around and sent you a glare this time. "Shut up you know you love me." You shake your head and laugh.

"Why would I ever love you?" You said and he just walked away. He opened his arms and you walked in them. "I'll miss you Junpei." You said as you hugged him. "Yeah I'll miss you too." You pulled away from him. "You better come home" you said to him and he laughed. "You better come visit me too." He said and you nodded.

"Maybe if I decide that I have the time." You shrugged and he rolled his eyes. "I'm just playing yk I love you Jun." He hummed at you. "I love you too, anyways we have to go." You nodded and grabbed your stuff and left.

Your mother drove you guys today since it was his big day. He met up with his friends and you met up with Kagami, Kuroko, and Sincere. You all sat in the front row in the middle. You waited for the ceremony to start.

They all came out in a line and sat down. You saw Junpei in the second row. You smiled at him and he smiled at you. The principal went up to the stand and spoke. "As this year comes to a close, we congratulate our third years on their hard work."

Everyone clapped and awaited for this next words. "Now I will call up everyone to get their diploma." The names of third years on the basketball team were called and everyone on the basketball team cheered.

You were the one who cheered the loudest for Junpei. He saw you cheering and he laughed. Everyone had got their diploma and walked off. You gave your brother a hug and smiled. "Well I guess you're not so dumb after all."

You laughed and he laughed back. "You better hope you graduate or else I'll laugh at you." You nodded, "you wish I couldn't graduate." He rolled his eyes and looked at Kagami who was laughing.

"I know you're not laughing Kagami" Kagami shut up real quick at that. "Are we gonna go eat or what?" You asked and he nodded. You all piled in your mothers car. You went to go get Hibachi.

You all were seated and your mom smiled at you and Kagami. "Aw you guys are cute, I hope you last." Junpei looked at her and shook his head.

"You're lying they're not cute at all." You rolled your eyes. "You're mad your girlfriend isn't here." He glared at you. He pulled out his phone and you commented. "Texting her to come here huh?" He sneered at you. "Shut up no one asked you to speak."

"Taiga did" you looked at him and he looked scared. "No I didn't, don't drag me into this." You smiled. "Well since you're a part of my life of course I'm gonna drag you into it." He smiled and he grabbed your hand.

"Young love, I remember when I was like this with your father." You smiled and the waiter came around to ask for your drinks.


"Man that food was good." Taiga said as he patted his stomach. "You ate your plate in 30 seconds, you're like a vacuum." Junpei said and you smacked his arm. "Ok he was hungry leave him alone." You said and Junpei yelped.

"Aye! Don't hit me!" He said and you stuck your tongue out at him. "You're a freaking child." He said and you shrugged. "You're right I am a child cause I'm not 18" (I looked this up 18 is the legal age of an adult in Japan so it would be correct)

Everyone got in the car and your mom turned on some old song. "We listen to this song everyday mom aren't you tired of it?" You asked and she turned it up and sung louder. "I guess she's not tired of it." Taiga said and you laughed.

You got home and everyone went inside. You and Taiga went and sat in the living room and watched some tv.

3 weeks later

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3 weeks later

Junpei was heading off to college now. He was going to UCLA for basketball. Your mom and you drove him to the airport. Your mom and you hugged him and you were tearing up as he grabbed his stuff and walked to the gate.

"It's just like you picking me up all over again." You said and he turned around. "The airport where everything started." He said and you laughed. "Don't party too hard and be safe." He waved and walked into the gate.

A/n - the story is almost over 😕😕 anyways who should my next story be about

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now