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THE SCORE WAS tied and Kagami was determined to get the last point

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THE SCORE WAS tied and Kagami was determined to get the last point. Izuki knew exactly to handle this kind of pressure. There was 45 seconds left on the clock.

Izuki passed the ball to Hyūga. The defense was on him in a second. He smiled and passed it to Kiyoshi. They ran to him, but Kagami was under the net and Aomine was ready for Kagami.

Kiyoshi passed to Kagami. Aomine reacted and was ready to snatch the ball from Kagami, but they didn't see Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi was ready, so Kagami passed to him.

Kiyoshi dunked it and got us the last two points we needed. The buzzer went off and we all jumped up and hugged each other. You went over to Kagami and looked at him.

"You better of won" you laughed. "Yeah cause you said you would beat me up did if I didn't" you nodded. "You right" he gave you kisses all over your face.

"Stop! Stop!" You laughed as you kissed him back. Everyone headed back to the locker room and got their stuff. You all headed to the train and found seats.

You looked at Kagami. "Besides wanting to be apart of the nba, what else do you see in your future?" He thought for a minute and then looked back you.

"You, a nice house, and two kids" you laughed. "What? I'm not joking N/n" you look at the ceiling. "Are you for real?" He nodded and you looked at him. You smiled and then you guys dropped into silence for a quick minute.

"What about you" you shook your head and spoke. "I don't really know" you said and he looked hurt.

"I'm not in your future?" he did a pouty lip and you pushed his face away. "Shut up you are" you guys laughed as the train went to take your team home.

You walked home and thought about your future

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You walked home and thought about your future. You didn't even know what you wanted to be or where you even wanted to go to college. You had a year left to decide before you run out of time. Only 5 months until this grade was over.

You ran to your computer and you also thought about your brother. He was leaving soon too. He wanted to go to UCLA for college plus he got a scholarship there. You were happy for him, but you weren't gonna see him for a long time.

You shook those thoughts out of your head and looked for colleges. You were writing down ones you thought you would like. There was a list of ten. You closed your laptop and went to take your shower.

As you washed your body and thought about everything in the future.

Do you even want kids? If so, how many?

What do you even want to be? What do you even like?

What's your passion? Do you even have one?

Your head started to hurt and you just let the warm water run down your body. Clearing your head and breathing in and out slowly.

After you got out and showered you called Kagami.

"Yo what's up?" Half of his face was appearing in the camera. "Do you know what college you wanna go to?" You asked and he looked back at you. "Yeah, why?" You looked from side to side.

"I don't know where I wanna go and what I wanna do." You confessed and he laughed. "That's fine" you looked up confused. "How?" You interrogated. "Many seniors, or third years as we call it here, never know what they want to be" you nodded.

"You just gotta figure out over time" he said and you registered the words. "I will, thanks Taiga" you told him bye and ended the call.

This is gonna be a long ride

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now