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THE GAME WAS close. Everytime we got a point, Shutoku got another. Not even making a dent in either team's score. You were on the edge of your seat during the whole duration of the game.

It was the last 15 seconds of the game. Shutoku was only one basket ahead. You cheered as loud as you could with your team. Kagami had got the ball. He got into a form and went for the shot and made it.

They were tied. 5 seconds left, Hyūga got the ball. Midorima had run to catch up with him before he made the shot. Distress visible on Junpei's face. He shot, but Midorima brushed against the ball. The buzzer went off. Tied.

The game had to go into overtime. The boys came over to the bench and sat down. They got their waters and towels. Kagami let the towel sit on his head as he caught his breath.

Riko went over what play she wanted the boys to do when they went out on the court. Everyone was listening closely. They were all jumpy to get back into the game. Kagami was the main one excited to get back on the court.

Your heart swelled at his determination for his sport. The buzzer went off and they ran onto the court. You sat down awaiting the performance the guys would do.

After 4 minutes of overtime the boys had won the game. Cheers roared from the crowd, you, and Riko. Everyone huddled together as we hyped each other up.

"ONTO THE QUARTER FINALS" Izuki screams and everyone gives a little yeah after his statement. Your heart swelled at their happiness. You were just watching in awe when Kagami came up to you.

"Hey can we talk?" He asks and you nod. You tell Riko where you're going and she nods. You guys walk over to a bench by a fountain. "So what did you wanna talk about?" You questioned and he breathed out.

"I really like you Y/n, would you want to go on a date with me sometime?" He confessed. You smiled and gave him a kiss. He smiled into the kiss and gave you another one.

"Of course I would love to go out with you Taiga" you replied and he smiled too. You both got up and hugged.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Junpei runs over and breaks you two up. "No no no, not today" you rolled your eyes and stop him.

"Jun I am 17 years old and can take care of myself goodbye" you say and he rolls his eyes. "Don't try no funny stuff Kagami or you're cut" he said and Kagami nodded so quick you thought his head was gonna fly off.

You laughed as you walked beside him. You grabbed his hand and swayed it in between your bodies.

You went home and told the group chat about your date with Kagami

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You went home and told the group chat about your date with Kagami.

N/n 😈

Sin 😛
What now

N/n 😈
Me and Kagami are going on a date

Suki 💆🏽‍♀️
Oh fr?

N/n 😈
Yes fr

Sin 😛
Okayyyy N/n get it

Suki 💆🏽‍♀️
So who asked who

N/n 😈
After the game he wanted to talk to me and then confessed Jun was going crazy

Suki 💆🏽‍♀️
Cute did y'all do a little kiss?

N/n 😈
I don't kiss and tell

Suki 💆🏽‍♀️
You def did

N/n 😈
Okay about to text ole boy about this

You head over to Kagami's contact. You were giddy at the fact you finally had the boy you've been crushing on for a hot minute. You were excited to see where you two could go.

Wife 4 life🤞🏽
So.. what we doing for this date

Basketball babe ☺️
What do you wanna do?

Wife 4 life 🤞🏽
Um maybe go out and eat?

Basketball babe ☺️
That's fine with me you know I love to eat

You guys discussed all the details. You were excited to finally have a real boyfriend who wasn't crazy. A lot of people in Australia hit on you and we're crazy. You were texting Kagami until your brother busted in your room.

"So what's happening with you and Kagami?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. "We're going on a date leave me alone" you said and he sat on your bed. "Now why are you on my bed?" You asked and raising an eyebrow.

"Cause I can be" he said and you squinted. "Those are fighting words" you said fake squaring up. He repeated your actions and you guys fake started fighting.

"Don't pull my hair" you said in a fake annoyed voice and you both laughed. You asked him why he was so against you having a boyfriend.

"Because you never know what can happen with anyone. They might seem good to everyone else and have horrible intentions. I'm not saying Kagami is like that but we don't know that he isn't."

You smiled and nodded. "I'll be cautious don't worry."

He nodded and left your room quietly.

I hope this date goes well.

A/n - it's been a min since I updated fr

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now