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THERE WERE MANY sounds and things happening at once

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THERE WERE MANY sounds and things happening at once. You heard them rolling him out, the beeping monitor, the tv, and Kagami sobs. "Where are you taking him?" Kagami cried out. The nurses gave him no response. More tears rolled down his face.

"Come here" you said to him and he leaned down and gave you a hug. Tears staining your shirt. You lead him to a seat and you both sat down. He lifted his head up and grabbed your hand. "Do you think he's gonna be okay?" He asked you and you looked at him.

"I don't know." You said and he started crying again. "Dad please be okay." He said as he started balling again. You were drying his eyes as the tears fell. "Listen I know you're sad, but you dad would want you to not sit here and cry." You saw him sniffle and you kissed him.

"Listen I'm always here for you. No matter. For life remember?" He nodded and gripped your hand. "For life." He said and you laid your head on his shoulder. You both fell asleep in the hospital.

You woke up to the sound of a gurney. You saw his dad on it and he was alive. "Kagami! Kagami! He's fine." You said as he shot up and saw he was awake.

"Dad!" He ran in his room and hugged him gently. "We were so worried dad, you don't understand how much I cried." He smiled brightly at his father. "He cried so much he could fill a bathtub." His dad laughed and he leaned back.

"You're both full of joy and life, never end up like me." He said and you looked at each other. "What do you mean? You're okay aren't you?" Kagami asked and his dad shook his head. "I'm still dying, I just didn't die last night." He said and Kagami teared up.

"You're still gonna die?" His voice starting to break up as he was speaking. His dad nodded and his knees started to buckle under the weight of himself. "You're lying! I won't believe you!" He said starting to cry. He grabbed Kagami's hand and looked into his teary eyes.

"Listen son. When I die, I want you to marry this girl beside you. I want you and her to have the best life ever. Go on trips, go to parties, and just have fun. I don't want you mourning me forever. I'll always be by your side forever." You started to tear up.

"I want you to see us grow up together! I want you to see your grandkids grow up! I want you to sit in the front row of my wedding! I want you here for all my milestones." His voice started trailing off at the end.

"Don't think of me dying as a goodbye, just simply a see you later." He said and you and Kagami both started crying. "I'll always be by your side forever, I promise." Tears rolling down his father's face now as well.

"I need you to look at me Taiga." He lifted his head and dad motioned him forward. He moved forward and his father kissed his head. "I'll always love you even though I'm so far. I'll always be around, you can talk to me anytime at my grave." Everyone was crying at this point.

"Take this as a parting gift, always take care of the ones you love. Give love to those around you before it disappears in front of your eyes. Time flies by and it never slows for anyone, take advantage of everything you have now. I love you so much Taiga."

"I love you too dad, you better keep that promise." He laughed as his tears fell. "I'm going to try." His eyes closed and his grasp on Kagami's hand loosened. The monitor started beeping and Kagami's tears flowed like a waterfall.

"He's really gone..." he whispered as he fell into your arms. You rocked him back and forth as the nurses rolled him out. "I'm with you." You took his face in your hands and wiped his tears away. "You know what your dad said." He nodded and wiped yours away.

"No tears and go live our lives." You nodded and took his hand. "Let's go home, we both need to shower."

You both walked out of the hospital with tear stained faces and grief on your hearts. Kagami got in the driver's seat and started up the car. He drove to Alex's house and unlocked the door. "Hey Tai- oh no." She stopped her words as she saw both of your faces.

"He's dead Alex."

Those words made her heart sink. "Oh man, come here." She said as she opened her arms. He walked into them and rested his head on her shoulder. "I can't cry anymore" he laughed and she smiled.

"Did you guys get to say goodbye?" She asked and you guys nodded. "He said don't think of it as a goodbye, but as a see you later." Alex nodded.

"Go get a shower you guys, you were at that hospital all night." You both walked to your room and took your showers. You decided to do a face mask with him to cheer him up a bit.

You were using the brush to put it on his face as he hummed. You guys had yours on and you grabbed your phone. "Wanna take some pictures?" you asked and he nodded. You guys did some cute ones and then some dumb ones.

You were just gazing at him. "What?" He asked. "Did I mess up the face mask?" He asked and shook your head. "I just want you to know, I love you so much and I care for you. I'm always here." You explained and he nodded.

"I know you are, please don't die on me." He said and you chuckled. "I'm not, I just wanted you to know that." You started to play some music in the background. You both started to sing along.

You started taking off the face masks and you both got under the covers. He turned off the light and you cuddled into him. "I love you" you said. He kissed your head, "I love you too."

A/n - did this make you cry? I lowkey was tearing up writing. In the last chapter I was debating on killing him cause I made him such a good character 🤕

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now