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TODAY WAS GOING to be a hard day because it was his father's funeral

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TODAY WAS GOING to be a hard day because it was his father's funeral. You woke up and jumped in the shower quickly. You put on your outfit for the funeral. Kagami was also getting dressed for it. Tears were falling down his face.

You walked up behind him and wrapped your arms around his torso. "I just can't believe he won't see me past 17." Kagami cried and you rubbed his back. "He'll see you every step of the way, he'll be watching over you always."

He turned around and hugged you. "I know but this is hard." You nodded and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "If anything happens today I'm right beside you." He nods and you both get ready for today.

Alex wanted everyone to ride together. You took Kagami's hand and laid your head on his shoulder. "You're gonna be ok" you said as you looked up at him. He moved his head down to look at you. "Are you sure?" He asked and you nodded.

"Have I ever lied to you before?" You said as you looked at him. "No," he replied and you continued. "Then don't worry." You stated and he nodded. You kissed his hand and rubbed your thumb over it.

We got to the funeral home. It was hard for Kagami to walk inside. You reassured him that you were here for him. He nodded and walked in. He saw the casket and started crying. They were flowing down his face. You rubbed his back as he sobbed in front of you.

You guided him to the seat. You sat in silence as the ceremony started. Alex went to the stand. "Hello everyone, we are here to remember the life of Taiga Kagami's father. ( didn't know his name so just imagine that's his name ) He was a well liked man and was loved by many. He is survived by his son, Taiga Kagami. He was 75 when he passed in his hospital room surrounded by his son and his girlfriend, Y/n L/n. Now, any words from anyone?"

Alex left the stand to sit down as people went up to stand to speak. Kagami was the first to go up there. "My dad was a very likable man. He made me laugh and smile even on his last day. He told me before he died to not see it as a goodbye but as a see you later. That really has stuck with me for the longest. He said he'll always be with me and I believe it. I love you dad." He looks up to the sky and throws up a peace sign.

More people who knew his dad walk up to the stand to give their words. Kagami laid his head on your shoulder because he was just so heartbroken and lost.

He didn't know what to do. He didn't know whether to cry, to scream, or to just shut down. You were just there every step of the way during his grief. His hand gripped yours tighter as he felt tears prick his eyes again.

"I don't wanna be here anymore, can you go outside with me?" He asked and you nodded and you two went outside. He breathed in the fresh air and turned to you. He opened his arms and you walked into them. "Thank you." He spoke softly.

You looked up at him and gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?" He looked at you and kissed your forehead. "For being here for me and with me." You kiss him and smile. "I'm your girlfriend, why wouldn't I be here?" He shrugged his shoulders and pulled you back in for the hug.

"I just really love you, you know that?" You nodded. "Yeah I do, I love you too. I'll always be here for you whenever you need me."

The day of Kagami's father's funeral. A day of sadness and dread. Crying and sobs were heard throughout the whole day.

A/n - had writers block shawtys my bad 😪

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now