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1 year later

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1 year later

YOU WOKE UP to the sound of your alarm clock. Groaning as you had to wake up. It was the third day of your first semester as a third year. Now you were the coach of the basketball team and this second year named Lia Takami, was the new manager.

She was a very bubbly girl and everyone on the team likes her. You and her have become very good friends even though you were leaving in a few months. "Alright boys line up on the three point line."

They all lined up and you split them into two groups. "So today we're going to play knockout, whoever wins the game against their team with go against the other team's winner. Start!" You blew the whistle and they started shooting.

The winners were Kagami and Ido from class 1C. They were both going back and forth, not one missed ball. You watched as both of them shot with no back board. It was amazing how they were so in sync. After 5 minutes of shooting nonstop, Ido won.

"Aw yeah! I won!" He cheered. Kagami laughed, "this would be the last time you win against me." Ido shrugged and shook his head. "If you say so" as he turned away from Kagami. Practice went well and you sent everyone home.

After practice, you and Kagami went back to your house to chill before he had to go home. You were finally thinking he was coping with the fact his father was dead. You were there for him the entire time and he was so very grateful for you. You loved him, so you were glad that you could be there.

Graduation was coming up soon. Junpei, Riko, Izuki, and Mitobe went to schools in the United States. Kiyoshi stayed behind in Japan so he could take care of his grandparents. You had no idea what Koganei and the other third years were doing now. You and Kagami were both trying for the same school.

Both of your first choices were Indiana State. If he didn't get into there his fall back was UCLA, where Alex went. You were headed to Cornell. You had applied to many other schools but those two were your top choices.

You had the grades to get into Ivy Leagues but Kagami didn't. It was ok because both had a good learning environment. (actually hell if I know 💀) You both sent in your applications not too long ago. You just had to wait for their responses.

You and Kagami arrived at your house and decided to eat something because you were both starving. "What do you want? And don't say "whatever you want to make" cause I want to make you a knuckle sandwich if you say that" you said and he closed his mouth. "Mac and cheese" you nodded and got out a box of it.

It didn't take long to make it and he was excited to eat it. "Thank you my beautiful queen" he smiled and you rolled your eyes. "Don't ever fix your lips to say that again." You said as you ate your mac and cheese. Kagami had stayed at a Tatsuya's house down the street yesterday, so his car was here and you all walked to school together today.

You enjoyed Tatsuya's company because Kagami did. He wasn't a bad guy now as you heard since before he was bad. You're glad they made up now and are close as ever. They told you stories about how they met and their times in America. You enjoyed hearing them every time because Alex was always doing something crazy in the stories.

You and Kagami were now just scrolling on your phones. The room was quiet before you spoke up. "So what do you wanna do? It's quiet in here." You said and he put down his phone giving you his full attention.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's not boring." You handed him the remote. "Find something good as I grab some snacks." You got up and he turned on the tv. You grabbed a bunch of snacks that you both liked.

You sat back down and he had put on Menace II society. "It's been a minute since I seen this." You stated and he turned to you. "You've seen this?" He questioned and you nodded. "I've seen it before but it was a long time ago." You nodded and the movie started.


The movie ended and you both discussed what happened. (Not gonna give dialogue just incase you guys watch it 😈)

It was unfortunately time for Kagami to go home and you hugged him goodbye and he drove off. You went upstairs and started your night routine and went to sleep.

A/n - sorry gang that I haven't updated in over a month. I've been busy and been lazy and haven't been writing anyways only a few chapters left

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now