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You were awaken by the sound of your alarm

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You were awaken by the sound of your alarm. 'Oh right. It's the first day back to school' you thought and rolled out of bed. Bonnet on the ground beside your feet. "Oh my lord" you huffed. Shaking it off, you grabbed your towel, shower cap, and your toiletries into the bathroom and got ready.

After you had taken your shower, you went back into your room. You grabbed your lotion and put it on your legs, arms, face, and hands. You put your clothes on and did your hair. After you were done, you sprayed some perfume. You grabbed your shoes and your bag and headed downstairs.

"Good morning Y/N" your mother spoke from the kitchen. "Morning mom, morning Junpei" you said. "Good Morning my lovely sister that I love with all my heart and soul" he ran over to hug you, but you put a hand on his chest. "Why are you talking to me like that you freak?" You asked him a little creeped out.

"What I can't love my sister?" He rolls his eyes as he speaks. "No you can't" you say plainly. He rolls his eyes at you and your mother sets a plate down in front of you.

"Thanks mom" you and your brother say in unison. She smiles at you both and goes on about her day.

"Are you excited?" Your brother questions as he cuts his waffles. "Not really, it's just school" you reply and stab your fork into your eggs. "Why not you'll get to come to my games soon" he smiles and you fake throw up.

"I don't wanna see you play, you suck" you laugh and he slams his hands down on the table. "You're so funny Y/n. I'm laughing so hard" his tone is very plain as he says this. "I know right! I such be a comedian!" You say excitedly. He rolls his eyes at you and you both put your plates in the sink.

"Already mom bye love you!" You and Junpei say as you're about to walk out of the door. "Bye guys! Have a good day at school love you!" She says and you guys walk out of the house.

 "Bye guys! Have a good day at school love you!" She says and you guys walk out of the house

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The school was only 2 blocks away from your house.
"So this is Seirin huh?" You say to yourself before you're bombarded with all the clubs trying to recruit people. "Hey! Join the Drama Club!" "Hey! Join the Soccer club!" "Hey! Join the debate club!"

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now