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It was the Seirin Vs

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It was the Seirin Vs. Kaijo game today. You walked down to the gym after school was over. Everyone gathered and waited for everyone so we could leave.

We thought we had everyone until Koganei spoke up. "Where's Kuroko?"

Me, Junpei, and Riko all groaned. "That kid I'm gonna kill him" she says clenching her jaw.

"Hey guys, I'm here" He announces quietly.

"Alright let's go guys, we better win this too" you said as you lead the group. Everyone walks to the train station.

Me and Riko sat down first and Izuki and Hyūga also sat down, the rest stood. "So you have any plans on how we're gonna defeat Kaijo?" You turn to Riko.

She sits there and thinks for a moment, but shakes her head. "I don't know how they're gonna play now that Kasamatsu, Kobori, and Moriyama are gone."

You nod and you guys ride to the game in silence.

You nod and you guys ride to the game in silence

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As you guys walk into the gym, Kise walks over. "Hey Kagamicchi and Kurokocchi. Oh and who's this" he smirks looking at you.

"I'm Y/N Hyūga, the manager and don't get no funny ideas blondie" you squint at him and he laughs.

"So you're the captain's sister? cute."

"Bye nigga" you say waving at him. "What's up with her" he watches you walk away.

"She might of greeted you nicely if you didn't smirk at her like that pretty boy" Kagami says. "Oh so she's nice on a good day?" He asks.

"KISE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? GET OVER HERE" Hayakawa screams. "OK OK IM COMING, you guys better not disappoint me" he says as he runs over to his team.

"Kise better cool it before Hyūga loses it" Kuroko says and everyone looks at Hyūga.

He has his jaw clenched and a bulging veins on the side of his head. "That little shit better not try anything" he cracks his knuckles.

"Calm down Junpei, use that anger on the court" Riko says and Junpei nods.

Everyone goes and gets ready for the game. Izuki warming up his eyes, Hyūga working on his 3s, Kagami getting his legs ready, and Kuroko stretching his arms.

"So do you think your manager would date me?" Kise whispers to Kuroko. "You better cut it out Kise, Hyūga might go crazy" he points to Hyūga who has a most deadly glare on him.

"Ah! You're right Kurokocchi, I don't wanna die so young and beautiful" Kuroko just stares at him like he's dumb.

"Shut up Kise" he says and walks away. "Wow Kurokocchi, that was so mean" he frowns and the whistle for the game goes off.

The boys lineup and they say what they have to say. Kagami and Kise were doing the tip off. The ref blew the whistle and they both jumped.

Kagami got us the ball and Izuki caught it. When Hyūga got into place, he went for a 3 and made it.

"Seirin got the first point of the game!" "Seirin is still really good, maybe even better?" "Go Seirin!" Could be heard from the Crowd.

You smiled as you watched your team play. You noticed how they were really working as a team in this game.

"They're really good huh?" You turned to Riko. She smiled at you and nodded.

"I'm glad I'm their coach" she smiled and went back to watching the game. You watched as your brother sunk many many 3 pointers. You watched as Izuki guided the team with his Eagle Eye. You watched Kagami and Kuroko do their coordinated attacks.

Kise was trying his hardest to keep up. He wasn't doing horrible, but Kagami was slowly dominating over him. "NOT THIS TIME KAGAMICCHI!" Kise screams as he jumps in front of Kagami.

"OUT OF THE WAY KISE" he screams back as he gets ready to dunk over him. "I WONT LET YOU SCORE ANYMORE" he says as he follows Kagami's every move.

You noticed Kagami's frustration, then his eyes locked with Kuroko's. He passed him the ball and they did a alley-oop. When Kagami fell back to the ground, him and Kuroko high-fived.

You were staring at Kagami a little too long when Riko snapped you out of it. "Hey, you like him or something?" She says and you shake your head no.

"What makes you think that?" You ask. "You're staring at him" she says and your eyes widen.

"Cap, no I wasn't" you say and Riko smiles. "Don't worry, if you do I won't tell Hyūga" you rolled your eyes at her playfully and go back to the game.

As Kagami was about to dunk another ball. He suddenly just fell off. "KAGAMI" you scream from the bench. Everyone runs to him and sees him unconscious.

You look at Riko and she looks back at you. They take him to the back room and you follow them.

To be continued...

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now