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A/n - these next few chapters are basically fillers of the rest of their lives

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A/n - these next few chapters are basically fillers of the rest of their lives

KAGAMI AND YOU WERE FINALLY DONE WITH COLLEGE. You were now both 24. You both graduated 2 years ago and living comfortably. Kagami had to do most of his college on the road because he was now playing for the Celtics. You were now working for a large law firm ( or whatever else you wanna do ).

You both were living in California in the house his dad left in his name. It was big it had 5 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and it was 3 stories.

Today was your day off and Kagami didn't have practice or a game. You two were just going to spend the day together. You woke up and turned your face to see him still sleeping. You smiled and got up to use the bathroom. You brushed your teeth and sat back down on the bed.

He finally woke up. "Good morning beautiful." He said groggily. "Good morning handsome." You said smiling and he leaned in to kiss you. You put a hand on his chest to stop him. "Hell no, go brush your teeth then maybe you'll get a kiss."

He rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom. He came back out and he sat back down beside you on bed. He starts kissing you all over your face and you start giggling. "Stop it you dummy." You laugh and he laughs along with you. "Go get ready I'm going to take you somewhere."

"Where?" You ask and he shrugs. You roll your eyes. You put on a cute but comfortable outfit. You saw him getting ready and you two left. He took you down to your favorite restaurant for lunch. "Oh my, what brings us here?" You ask. "Since we're both off I thought we can just go around doing fun things today." You smiled and hugged him.

After you ate, he took you to an arcade. "Oh I'm definitely beating you in these." You declared and he shook his head. "You can surely try." He said and you laughed. He beat you in skee ball, basketball, and this fish catching game. You beat him in all the racing games because those were your speciality.

You both needed to win one more game to even the score it was 3-3. You we're about to play the dancing game. "I'm a goat at this so you'll never beat me." You stated and he smiled. "Anything you can do I can do better." The music started playing and you both got ready.

The arrows came up slowly and you guys were getting warmed up. The music started to speed up so you sped up with it. When the music reached the climax Kagami started struggling. "Having trouble?" You questioned and he shook his head.

"Never." The music was going extremely fast at this point so you both had a hard time keeping up. In the end, you were 10 points away and won. "Let's go I knew I would beat you." You smiled and he looked at you.

"You got lucky. Alright let's go." He said and took your hand. You didn't even ask where you were going because you knew he wouldn't tell you. He pulled up to a park. "A park?" You asked. He nodded.

He walked you over to a bench and you both sat down. You watched as the birds flew across the sky. The wind blowing slightly giving a cool sensation.  The sun hitting your face making you warm. You smiled as you felt his hand around yours. The warmth of his hand encased yours.

Is this the feeling of love? Is this what it's like to be loved?

The thought hit your mind. You've never felt like this since your pity love. Your heart fluttered at the thought. You left Kagami get up and you turned your head. "Follow me really quick." You took his hand again and followed behind him.

He brought you to a big green tree with purple flowers. "These are so pretty." You looked at him and he looked very serious. "Y/N L/N. I love you so much. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to start a family with you. I'm not forcing you to say anything or even put up with me." He paused as he got on one knee.

"Will you marry me and make me the happiest ever?" You teared up and shook your head yes. "Yes Taiga Kagami I will marry you." He put the ring on your finger and kissed you.

The sun slowly started to set in the back giving you the golden hour glow.

Soon to be Mrs. Kagami

A/n - sigh only a few more chapters left before I'm done with this I'm crying

𝐅𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐥, t. kagamiWhere stories live. Discover now