9. Return

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After killing a bunch of monsters, Razor stabs his Claymore to snow.

He comments, "You aren't an ordinary adventurer. Who are you?"

"Just another man who started over his life."


"Sort of. Yes, something like that."

Razor nods his head. This guy has unique fighting style. His eyes look cold. A heartless predator.

He only sees eyes like that in Boreas, a guardian spirit in Wolvendome.

Razor kneels down and checks some footprints.

Childe asks, "Abyss Herald?"

"Not alone. See these prints? Hillicurls."

"I see."

It's super easy for the Herald to brainwash monsters with low intellectual level to submit.

Razor suddenly draws his blade. He feels murderous intent in the air.

He warns, "Incoming!"

Hillicurls ambush them. They have dug snows and buried themselves for a while.

The hunters have become preys.

More Hillicurls are rushing downhill under his order. They are craving for human flesh.

The Abyss Herald is standing alone uphill. No, it ain't correct. There is a Hillicurl left.

The Herald stares a green painted mask Hillicurl next to him. The odd one stares back to him.

He points to the humans.

He orders, "Kill them!"

The Hillicurl shakes his head. He only stands around. Doing nothing. Even in monsters, there are slackers.

The Abyss Herald would have killed this one if he hasn't feared the tribe would be angry.

He lifts his foot and kicks this slacker.

The green painted masked Hillicurl rolls downhill. He holds his dizzy head.

Childe's sword is pointed toward him. Ready to behead him anytime.

Suddenly Fenrir rushes ahead and howls few times. She rubs her furry body to the Hillicurl.

The unusual Hillicurl caresses her head.

Childe refrains from slaying this odd ball. Never see such a docile monster before.

Razor yells, "Watch out!"

Childe dodges a club aimed at his head. He stabs the Hillicurl.

Razor is no vegetarian. He has slain his share of monsters.

"Tch! Useless!"

Abyss Herald watches more Hillicurls got slain below. He summons another type of monster.

A gigantic ape with white snow fur coat appears in front of them. It roars and attacks them.

Big Foot!

Razor got kicked and thrown backwards. His back hits a tree trunk and he hisses out of pain.

Childe's eyes widened when the beast aims for the wolf cub.

Fenrir makes long howls. Unfortunately she's too small to make the beast felt threatened.

The beast aims for the green painted mask and the cub.

Childe shoots some arrows and they strike it's back. The beast changes target to him.

Razor rises and attacks the beast from behind. He dodges the gigantic fist.

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