36. Kidnapped

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Zhong Li looks backwards. He feels someone is staring him. No one seems suspicious enough.

Childe is busy haggling price with a fisherman. They are going to travel to another island. Using a fisherman boat is a lot cheaper than booking a ship.

The fisherman boat looks old and rickety. Probably older than both of them.

Zhong Li asks, "Is it safe to travel?"

"It's a fine vessel. This lass would longer than us. The name Titanic meant the best boat ever."

Somehow the fisherman's comment has planted a flag for their journey.

The sky is clear. The sea breeze feels nice.

Childe sits with Zhong Li on his lap. They are hugging each others. His boyfriend can't swim so he's terrified to sail in such small boat.

The fisherman points to an island in a distance.

"See? We are almost there. It's Yashiori Island."

Suddenly a strong wave appears out of blue and crashes their boat. The old vessel got torn into two.

The three men drowned due to the tidal wave.

The fisherman swims to shore while swearing in his heart. God must hates these outlanders. That's why his boat sunk.

Childe got panic while trying to save Zhong Li. He dives underwater and sees white tentacles have dragged him away.

Oseal! You son of b*tch!

He swims and chases the annoying Kraken. Fortunately Oseal heads to shore too.

Childe coughs for a while after reaching shore. He inhales a deep breath. He rises back to his feet again.

He tries to snatch Zhong Li from Oseal.

Zhong Li struggles but failed to break free from Oseal.

He protests, "Why are you doing this?"

Oseal responds, "You are a dragon like me. You shouldn't mingle with filthy humans."

A tough looking guy shows up. He got bulky muscular figure. He is a bit shorter than Oseal.

He mocks, "No need to chit-chat. Let me kill him."

Azdaha attacks Childe and the latter dodges it.

Childe counterattacks with his Hydro Vision. It's an intense battle. One wrong move could mean early death for any of them.

Oseal ditches his buddy and leaves with Zhong Li. Azdaha curses and chases them.

Childe is going after them but the fisherman blocks his path.

"Your friend ruined my boat. You have to pay me back."

"They aren't my friends!"

"I don't care! Pay!"

Childe has no choice but to cough up some money for him.

This is blackmailing! That old vessel worth nothing much!

By the time he finishes with the fisherman, Zhong Li has been long gone.

Childe kicks a tree in his rage. Few weird purple bugs fall down. He ignores them. Those Onikabutos meant nothing for him.

Keep calm. I can track them down.

As a former Harbinger, he knows how to track people in the wild.

Zhong Li, wait for me. I will save you.

The fisherman is busy counting money. He got a good bargain. It's easy to fool rich outlanders.

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