22. Jelly

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Something has changed between them after that night. Childe acts coldly toward Zhong Li.

After few failed attempts for a decent conversation, Zhong Li retreats back. He no longer tries to communicate with him.

Childe takes a stroll around Li Yue Harbor. He is a rich man due to the treasures.

He treats everyone a meal at Wanmin restaurant. Unfortunately the place is too small and they end up eating at street pavement.

Childe complaints, "Why you didn't make your restaurant larger?"

The owner responds, "Not enough fund. The land is super expensive in this city. My neighbors aren't willing to sell. Can't force them."


Childe takes a walk after dinner. The others are still enjoying free meal. He looks back as if looking for someone. He sighs and finally leaves after settling the bills.

Zhong Li doesn't come at all. He loves tasty foods. It seems he really hates me now.

They didn't talk after they reach the city. Zhong Li just leaves and walks into his bedroom in the funeral home.

Hu Tao smiles brightly. She dislikes Childe for breaking his heart.

Childe sees a sign of shop being sold. The interiors are kinda old. It seems the owner has gone bankrupt. He checks the furnitures.

They are useable. Only need fresh paint.

He knocks on the walls. They seem solid enough.

The owner notices him.

He announces, "Sorry, we are closing for business."

"Your restaurant has opened for two decades, right? Why do you close?"

"I'm not a good chef like my father or my grandpa. It's my fault for having no talent in cooking."

"You are a good bartender, though."

"Thank you. Selling wines aren't enough to close the expenditures. Taxes are high in this city."

Childe looks around again. It's his dream to settle down and owns a business.

He asks, "What's your price?"

"500,000 moras."

"Too expensive. These old furnitures won't worth a dime."

"Sir, this store is in good location. You could check with the official. The land cost this much."

Childe rubs his chin. He knows well the owner is speaking the truth. He has been talking with Nervous An, one of officers in Li Yue Harbor. Inquiring about local business rules.

He says, "400,000 moras."

"Sir, I need the money to restart my life in another place."

"I'm buying this business. You could still work here as a bartender. What do you say?"

The owner only needs ten minutes to think and decides everything. He has spent almost all his life in this city. He is very reluctant to leave his hometown.

"Deal. By the way, are you going to hire a new cook? You must recruit a good chef. Hard to find someone to beat Wanmin restaurant."

This place is too near that restaurant. That's why it ran out of business.

Childe smirks. He has a different opinion. If you can't defeat your enemy, be his friend.

The owner leads Childe to a business officer to register his new business.

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