Chapter One: Bonding with Carlisle in the oddest way

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So this is just starting off with Jacob's perspective but some will be of Edward and maybe like one or two of Bella and the others.

[Jacob's Point Of View]

my alarm clock buzzed from my night stand it just wouldn't shut up .I groan loudly i really don't want to go to school today. I don't want to go to any day but it's a must. I rolled on my side the sun glaring through my curtains.

"Jacob wake up you have to go to school." My dad yelled from the other side of my door.

I groan again letting him know how much i hate the idea of even getting out of bed. Someone slammed my room door open, causing me to jump from my spot on my bed. I sit up looking at my entrance.

"Jacob, get your lazy ass up." Paul boomed only making me want to go straight back to bed.

It's his last year of high school and he wants to make "the best of it". I give him the bird before laying back down and putting the covers over my head. He let out an annoyed sigh and I grinned knowing I had gotten under his skin.

"What the hell do you want." I humor him.

"We have to get to school, dip shit." Paul sounded displeased making my smile grow.

"I get that but why don't you guys go without me." I stretched getting out of under the blankets, my arms felt sore for unknown reasons.

"Ugh alright man see you at school... don't be late." Paul threatened.

"Sure sure." I mumbled.

Paul walked out and closed the door. I yanked my blanket off. Only in my black briefs, I walked to my closet looking for clothes. My closet was barely big enough to fit my wardrobe.

I found a plain black v-neck and blue fitted jeans with my regular black boots. I threw on my clothes and tied my boots. I walked to the bathroom passing my father as I did so. I walked in and relived my self then brushed my teeth quickly.

I walked out and left my shaggy black hair how it was when i woke up, I sighed. Grabbing my leather coat and my book bag, I jumped down the stair case with a loud thump scaring my father in the process. My dad jumped then glared at me. Obviously displeased with the early morning scare.

"Sorry." I smiled sheepishly.

I walked to the door almost ready to leave when my dad stopped me. Ugh I hated when he did this, I was going to be late and then I would get hell from Paul. Then most definitely get hell from Sam. I sighed and turned to look at my dad.

"You're not hungry." He raised a sharp eyebrow at me and I held back a groan.

I didn't have the time to stop and eat. Plus I couldn't eat a breakfast bar while riding my motorcycle. So the thought of breakfast was useless. I gave him a forced smile even though my stomach rumbled softly.

"I don't have time." I said as i grabbed my keys for my bike from the table.

He nodded even though I could see disappointment in his eyes. He didn't like when I skipped meals and neither did I but right now I really didn't have much of a choice. I wave goodbye to him and walk out of the house and into the garage.

The rabbit and both Bella and my bikes were parked. All my tools scattered around the garage made leaving problematic but I didn't have time to clean it all up. I walked past everything and got onto my bike, I jammed the key into the ignition and my bike purred to life.

I drove out the garage and sped off to school. It wasn't a far ride so i got there quite quickly. I smelled something burning and not like maybe a little crisp but legit burning, my wolf didn't like this smell one bit. I parked my bike in the parking lot and turned off my bike pulling out the key ignition and stuffing it into my jeans pocket.

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