Chapter Thirteen: Story Time

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hey I'm back just like I said I would be so stop frowning and don't worry your pretty little heads.

(Jacob's point of view )

The Cullens house was quieter than I expected, with almost everyone out of the house it felt empty to me. I could hear Esme in the kitchen fiddling with something in the fridge and Carlisle was in his office, but I couldn't hear him. I sighed flipping the channel on the TV, is there no one around to take me out of my boredom. Just as I thought that Carlisle came into view smiling brightly almost like he was a mind reader.

"Hey, Carlisle." I greeted him with a small smile.

"Hello, Jacob." He was soft spoken and his movements were swift and graceful.

He sat down across from and grabbed his tablet scrolling through an article. He hummed softly and I couldn't help but stare at him. His features looked ancient but yet so young, it was honestly throwing me off. He looked like he belonged in a different time and I think it's because he does.

"Jacob, why are you staring at me?" He asked as he put his tablet down and looked up at me.

I looked down with a sheepish smile and than back up. He raised an eyebrow at me and I adjusted myself in my seat. I should've never have stared in all honesty.

"I-I was just wondering how do you stay so composed all the time." I lied hoping he wouldn't catch on.

He smiled at me, "That's all you want to know about me?"

"..Well..I have lots of question, but I don't want to bug you-" I sputtered and he chuckled.

"You're not, Jacob."

He had this gentle smile on his face that made me feel even more foolish. Here he was willing to answer my questions and here I was acting like an idiot. I calmed myself before speaking again.

"I'm sorry If I'm bothering you." I admitted but he only shook his head.

"It's okay to be curious." He reassured me, "what are your questions?"

"How were you turned" I blurted out seeing how that was the first thing to come to mind.

"I was born around the seventeenth century " He started, "my father was a well respected priest throughout our small town."

My interest peaked as something dark came over his golden eyes, "he and a mob of citizens would go vampire hunting, 'kill those demons', as he would say."

"Did you hunt with him?" I questioned.

"Occasionally, but I wasn't the type that stood for violence..still am..I was coming home from Bible study." Carlisle sighed and I felt myself sitting at the edge of my seat, "it was pitch blackout and I had dropped off my girlfriend at the time."

"And then what." I urged him.

"I was attacked by the vampire my father was trying to catch that week." Carlisle shook his head, "the 'sewer demon' was an ancient vampire longest living one I've ever met."

"How old was he?" I couldn't help but be fascinated by the whole story.

"Three thousand years old." Carlisle shook his head, "my father killed him not soon after he bit me."

"What did your father do when he found out?"

"He didn't." Carlisle frowned, "I ran away before he could ever find me."

"What did you do after that?" I gaped at him.

"Started life else where, took a boat to America and settled in Newyork for a couple of years." Carlisle hummed, "most miserable years of my life."


"I regretted leaving home, my father, my girlfriend, my life." Carlisle looked as if he was far away, "So I went back to Europe only to be taken by the volturi."

Carlisle was about to go on when Esme walked in a soft hesitant smile on her face. Carlisle took her hand and she sat down beside him rubbing soothing circles on his hand. She looked my way and I smiled not knowing what to say.

"After that I meet Edward and Esme and we started a new way of life." Carlisle kissed her hand, "a better way."

I was about to ask him what happened during the time he was in the volturi when Edward entered the house with Emmett and Jasper behind him. Carlisle grabbed his tablet once again and was about to start reading it when I stopped him. He looked up with a raised eyebrow.

"How was Edward turned?"

Carslie's eyes filled with sympathy as he looked up at Edward. Edward's eyes had gone wide and Carlisle cleared his throat.

"Jacob, that's for him to explain."

I looked up at Edward and he gave me a timid grin before taking my hand and moving me out of the room. I followed behind him as he guided me towards his room. He opened the door and shut it gently behind him.

"If you're not ready to tell me it's fine." I took a seat on his bed and he sat beside me.

His voice was soft and careful, "I just don't think you need to hear it at the moment."

"Why?" I just wanted to know his reasoning I wasn't gonna push him further.

"There's too many things I'd need to sugar coat and I don't think you want that." He kissed my hand.

"So another time?" I confirmed.

"Another time." He nodded and I smiled.

I laid back on his bed and tucked a pillow under my head. Edward watched me closely and I rolled my eyes at him with a small smirk. He moved towards his sound system and started playing a classical piece that i didn't recognize. He started humming to the tune and i felt myself being lulled to sleep by the music and his voice.

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