Chapter Four:New School, New Problem

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Hey so how was your weekend? I'll probably be updating this on Monday or Tuesday but I'm writing this on Sunday.

[Jacob's point of view]

A loud ringing in my ear woke me from my rest. My alarm clock wants to be annoying this morning doesn't it. I groaned loudly not ready to start my day. I turned to my side but there was nothing there, I fell off the bed making a loud thump when I smacked onto the ground. I groaned once again,my face planted perfectly on the floor.

I just love falling off my bed in the morning its my favorite thing to do. I heard laughter from downstairs. Probably the pack and my dad can't really say I'm surprised. I got up and opened my door grumbling to myself as if my mornings weren't hard enough.

I walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Remember privacy is vital in this house or at least i hope it is. I relieved myself and brushed my teeth, I flushed the toilet and walked out and back into my room doing my best to ignore the conversations from downstairs.

I grabbed a blue v-neck and black fitted jeans with my blue converse. Not one single person can say that i don't match, its like one of the best things i do. I threw them on quickly. I got these pants on quick i should get a metal for that. I grin to myself thoroughly impressed.

I ran my hand through my shaggy black hair too tired and sore to think about looking good in my new school. I grabbed my black book bag with my leather jacket and walked downstairs. Now to phase my rowdy family without coffee in the morning, someone save me.

"Hey, Jake!" Seth said chimed looking at me with a bright smile that sort of makes me want to punch him.

But i would never hurt him and why is he so god damn chipper so early in the morning? I sighed if only i could develop a Seth mentality then life would be so easy. Again how is he so happy.

"Hi." I muttered humoring him.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed." Leah teased her hair in a short ponytail.

"Or the floor." Jared chipped in and i glared at the both of them too tired to think of a witty remark.

"Are you hungry jay? i made some bacon." My dad smiled up at me, "It's in the kitchen i had to fight the pack off so they wouldn't eat it."

Sam and Emily smiled, I nodded and walked into the kitchen grabbing the plate of bacon and sitting down. I could still see everyone from where i was seated, including Paul and boy was he gonna get it. I started eating when Sam came in and sat across the table from me. Oh great an alpha speech, just what i need in the morning.

"Jacob, today at school i want you to talk to Edward." Sam said in his alpha voice, "You're like family and i don't want you getting hurt because of this imprint."

I was wondering when he would use his alpha voice for this situation. I nodded of course i wasn't going to talk to him. I would find a loophole, maybe just saying hi counts. That's what I'll do.

"You look really tired Jake, are sure you're up for today?" Sam raised an eyebrow and i nodded again.

"Yeah just need an energy drink or a coffee, I'll be fine." I reassure him even though i didn't think it worked much.

He nodded still eyeing me, he got up and walked back into the living room leaving me to finish my bacon. I was done in a matter of minutes and cleaned my dish and my hands. Maybe i should stay home or cut school but i don't want a bad reputation. Or maybe i do, why not want to be a bad ass. Right?

No, i think Sam would kill me slowly for cutting school and being a bad influence on the rest of the pack. I sighed once again, will i ever catch i break. I walk back into the living room where everyone was talking about how their day might go and i already know mine is gonna go shitty.

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