Chapter Seven: Finding out

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It happened! i hope you enjoyed that chapter and yeah so leave a comment about it or just vote.

[Jacob's point of view]

It was like there was a pit in my stomach, a nauseating pit that woke me up from my rest. My vision was still fuzzy from waking up as I shot out of bed and rushed to the restroom. Bile came up as I knelt down by the toilet, I let it out gagging in the process. Instead of bile actual vomit came up and out, I hadn't been this sick in a long time and honestly it was concerning.

"Jake, we're here for lunch and Paul's paying." I heard Sam call from downstairs the rest of the pack most likely with him.

I couldn't stop, my stomach was starting to ache. I dry heaved saliva dripping out of my mouth and into the toilet. I grabbed toilet paper and wiped my mouth when I felt another wave of nausea hit me. I groaned dry heaving even more. There was nothing left for me to vomit.

"Hey, Jacob, you okay?" Jared called after Sam I couldn't respond my head was resting on the toilet seat now.

"I-" tried to answer but more bile came up and it burned like hell.

I heard the pack rush up the stairs and I really didn't want any of them seeing me like this. Tears fell onto my cheeks, I hadn't even realized I was crying but then again I was a lot more focused on my upset stomach. I sniffed trying my best to hold in whatever was threatening to come out.

Sam opened the bathroom door much to my dismay. He was gaping at me along with the others who mostly looked concerned. I gagged feeling another wave hit, but this one wasn't as strong as the other two. I gripped the seat my body covered in cold sweats.

"Jake, did you catch a flu or something?" That was the first thing that came to their mind, the flu.

"I don't know." I mumbled hoarsely, my throat was sore.

For sure the vomit was gone now, the nausea had washed away and i tossed the toilet paper that was in my hand into the toilet and flushed. I got up and brushed my teeth just wanting to get rid of the awful taste in my mouth. I spit out the remaining vomit taste and shuddered.

"Are you still hungry?" Embry raised an eyebrow at me.

I gave him the flattest look i could muster up. He was an idiot that no one could ever understand. I sighed shaking my head.

"Sorry." He mumbled catching on.

Everyone walked out and I was right behind them ready to forget the whole situation. I walked to my room grabbed some joggers and a shirt. I trudged back into the bathroom and locked the door so no one would walk in on me changing. I turned on the shower and stepped in chucking my pajamas in the dirty clothes bin, I stepped under the shower head and washed off anything else that even remotely smelled like vomit.

I stepped out and dried myself, wrapping the towel around my waist i put on some deodorant it's scent stronger than usual. I quickly got dressed the only thing still wet was my hair but I didn't mind much. I walked out if the bathroom and into the living room where the rest of the pack was waiting for me.

"Are you guys still going out to eat?" I hummed taking a seat on the couch.

"Yeah, but if you don't want to go you don't have to." Sam said with a small reassuring smile.

"I don't want to out to eat." I sighed running a hand through my hair, "I'll just take a walk and get some fresh air."

"It's too dangerous for you." Sam frowned his brown eyes filled with displeasure.

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