Chapter Twelve: Bella is finally gone

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So about me not updating this, it's the end of the year for school and you know how they give you lots of projects and crap to do.

(Jacob's point of view)

I sat in my living room bored flipping through channels on my TV when i heard a cry for help come from outside my door. I instantly shot up or as quick as I could with my belly. I made my way towards the door my hands resting protectively on my stomach.

A low wicked chuckle filled the air and I stopped. My front door was open. I shut it and locked making sure it was completely closed. I shivered at the thought of someone inside my house without me knowing.

The temperature in the house seemed to have dropped as I got back into the living room. I felt goosebumps form all over my arms and the back of my neck the longer I waited for someone or something to pop out and attack me.

I felt cold slim fingers slide against my arm and I knew it wasn't Edward almost automatically. I curled my hands into a fist and faced whoever it was that was in my house. It was Bella.

She gave me a wide almost eerie grin and a stepped away from her not exactly understanding how she got in here. Her eyes were different, bright red, almost like rubies.

"You stole Edward from me and now I'm going to steal your life." She spat suddenly close to me.

She clutched at my throat and I clawed at her cold hands. A growl escaped my lips along with a weak cough. She smirked at that and gripped tighter lifting me in the air. My legs dangled as she lifted me higher.

I gasped for air but nothing came in. I felt my wolf starting to panic but I couldn't phase not if it meant hurting the kids. But I was a goner if I didn't do something.

Bella looked back and I could see the red head smirking by my now broken front door. Bella smirked back at her and I started to feel light headed. Bella was turned and there was nothing I could do now.

I felt blood rushing to my face and my vision was starting to fade out. I stopped clawing becoming too weak.

"Bella, please." I choked out bits of my spit landing on her hand.

My babies they can't get hurt i need to fight. I have to fight. But I can't I have no more energy. I tried to get her hands off my neck but she was way too strong.

Her hands were suddenly off my neck and I felt myself hit the ground directly on my back. It hurt to breath but I was just glad I could. I started coughing hurting my throat in the process, tears rushed down my cheeks.

I heard Bella cry out in pain then nothing. I looked up to see her body across the room from her head. Edward stood over her corpse with a snarl on his perfect face.

My coughs began to calm down once i could breath easily again. My houses reeked of lilac and something else my nose didn't appreciate much.

Sam rushed into my house worried expressions on there face. Edward turned to me and came to my side checking to see if I was okay. Sam ran a hand through his hair and crouched beside Edward and I.

"Jacob, are you okay." Edward's eyebrows knit together.

I nodded and he along with Sam helped me up. Sam looked like a concerned father and I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"I'm calling a meeting." Sam mumbled a frown on his face.

Edward nodded and Sam walked out the house with Bella's dead body in hand. Edward sat me on the couch and he sat down next to me wrapping me in a protective hug. I took I'm all of his scent and sighed in relief.

He kissed My forehead and I smiled lightly, "Edward, I love you." I mumbled in his chest.

"Jacob, I love you too. " He Kissed my lips softy.

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