Chapter Twenty:Home Sweet Home

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How'd you guys like the last chapter, I thought the ending was cute. So yeah enjoy!!

[Jacobs point of view]

I heard soft voices as I began to wake.

"He's waking up." I heard a calm soothing voice.

I groaned my body ached from last night and this hospital bed isn't the comfiest. My eyes fluttered open, but the room was extremely bright too bright for me to bare. I shut my eyes with a huff getting a chuckle or two from some people.

"Jake, how are you feeling." I heard Carlisle ask.

"Like I've been ran over by a train." My voice sounded scratchy and my throat ached.

"Do you want some water." I could hear the sympathy in Esme's voice.

"That would be nice." I smiled weakly.

"Jake we closed the curtains you can open your eyes now." Sam chuckled a bit.

I opened my eyes again and the room was bright but it was bearable. My whole family stood in the large room. My pack, my father, Emily, the Cullens, and my perfect imprint.

"Gosh what time is it." I managed to ask.

"About twelve in the afternoon." Leah smiled.

That's when Carlisle stepped out the room I'm guessing to go get the twins. Esme handed me a bottle of water and I took it gratefully. I took a couple if sips and thanked her, she only smiled.

Carlisle came back in with my two happy babies. Everyone in the room seemed to have fallen under their spell cooing and awing as Carlisle walked past them. He laid them gently in my waiting arms and they both started smiling.

"They really don't look like newborns." I chuckled.

"With their growth rate they look about two months." Edward cooed at them and they both responded with spit bubbles.

Everyone in the room smiled or laughed. My heart warmed at this moment knowing how much these kids would be loved by all of us.

"Jacob,Edward, can I hold the twins!" Alice chimed happily.

"Of course." Edward and I agreed.

Her and Jasper each took a twin gently. Zane started playing with one of the buttons on Jasper's shirt while Katherine tugged on Alice's necklace.

Soon they were being passed around. They looked so small compared to the guys especially Emmett and Paul. Finally they made it back to Edward and I.

"Jacob do you need more rest or do you want to go home." Carlisle asked with genuine concern.

"I'd like to go home now." I smiled.

My body ached incredibly but I'll survive. I sat up higher and my back cracked. I groaned a bit get worried glances from Edward and my father.

"I'm fine." I said with a reassuring smile.

Everyone left the room, except Edward so that I could get dressed.

"Need help?" He was in front of me now.

"I-mean I guess." I chuckled as he stuck out his hand for me to take.

The back of my hospital gown was open showing my butt I blushed deeply trying to cover it. Edward laughed softly.

"It's nothing I haven't seen before." He covered my butt for me and helped me walk to my clothes.

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