Chapter Eighteen:I Can't Just Sit Here

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Hey hey hey, how was your guys winter break,mine was pretty boring I mostly stayed home with my dogs hehe. Here's your new chapter.

[Jacobs point of view]

After Edward dropped me off I thought of different ways I could bulk up for the battle if I were to go into labor before it. I can train extra hard but that would mean less time with the kids I can't do that. I could-i don't no what I could do without leaving the kids, I love them too much.

I can leave them with dad he had three kids he'll know what to do with two plus Rachel and Rebecca are twins so he knows how to handle that too. I should ask him, what if he says yes?what if he says no? I really need to figure something out.

I need to help my family and I need to help them now. My dad rolled into the house whistling a song he use to sing to my sisters and I.

"Hey jake." He smiled and rolled to where I was sitting.

"Hey dad." I said a bit distracted.

"What's eating at you boy? Is Edward being mean?" He chuckled in a joking manner.

"Ha-no-uh no." I smiled weakly.

"Seriously Jake what's wrong." He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"It's just I feel useless, the's coming soon and I can't even fight." I said with a loud sigh.

"Jake I don't know if you remember but you're pregnant."He chuckled slightly.

"I know I know."I glared at him.

"But what if I go into labor before the battle." He sighed.

"Jake you wouldn't be strong enough." Billy patted my shoulder and smiled.

"But if I do, I was wondering if you could um watch the kids for me while we're in battle." I suggested with a bit of fear.

"Jake." he said softly, "Of course I would but this-this isn't right. You could get hurt,or worse killed."

"Da-" He raised his hand up at me.

"No Jacob, I won't lose you too." His word was final.

I slouched and tears welled up in my eyes,"I just want to make sure the people I love are okay."

This hormone thing is great cause he can't even tell that I'm faking.

"Aw, Jake please don't cry you know I wouldn't do this if it wasn't for your own good." He said trying not to 'upset' me even more.

More tears fell and I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

"Jacob don't give me that look you know I can't say no to that face please stop." He crossed his arms frowning.

I have to admit I feel bad for making him feel bad but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. He stood his ground even if I did give him the pout. Damn this man is stubborn.

"Jacob I know what you're doing and my answer is no." He rolled away from me.

"But dad." I whined like a child but he was already in the other room.

Well that was a bust.

Just then Sam and the others walked into the front door.

"Hello Black family."Embry chuckled happily.

I only frowned and my father scolded me for being rude. I know I'm acting like a child but I have to convince him somehow.

"So jake how come you haven't been around lately?" Leah asked as she sat down.

"I think we both know the answer to that." I grumbled.

"Hot nights with Cullen, eh?" Paul teased and I rolled my eyes.

"Should say the same for you." Jared mumbled and Paul glared at him.

"What?" Seth looked their way.

"Nothing." Paul huffed and Sam gave him a questioning look.

"Jake I need to speak with you." Sam said. He looked serious and the others stopped to listen.

"About what?" I asked sorta annoyed. He tensed quickly looking me dead in the eye, "About your plan."


Welp theirs your chapter I took so long to update I'm really sorry I've been having a crazy amount of test and next week is isat so I've been studying lots. But hey I got on on aroll so that's a thing. I hope you guys enjoyed live a vote and comment to tell me what you think. BYE!!!!!!!!

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