Chapter Seventeen: This Plan Sucks

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Hey guys how has your holiday season been? Mine is going alright,I got a new phone, so I can update whenever I want now. Expect quicker updates but not too quick.

[Jacob's point of view]

When I had finally calmed down Edward and I made our way downstairs where everyone else was. There stood Dakota with a smug look on her face, what I would do just to wipe that look off her face. Edward laced his fingers with mine and I sighed he really is the only one who can truly calm me down.

Esme smiled up at me, "Jacob, dear are you hungry?"

"No thank you Esme, maybe later." I mumbled not wanting to be rude to her.

I sat down beside Edward on the white couch that was one of the many matches to the living room set. The television was only a soft hum of sound that was only there for background noise. Edward started a conversation with Alice, as did most of the others engage in conversation with each other.

Dakota gave me this look that told me she no longer liked me but, she did feel something towards me. Hatred? I frowned at her but she said nothing and looked away with annoyance clear in her eyes. Her strawberry blonde hair covering her face as she was no longer looking in my direction.

I looked back at Edward who was now staring at Dakota intensely.

"What did you guys talk about after we left I?" I asked gaining Edwards attention once again.

"We actually made a plan." Emmett boomed excitedly causing to Alice scold him.

"What plan?!" Dakota said with a sharp tone, so sharp she could cut Emmett and Alice in half.

"Dakota it's not that we don't trust you it's just that we're not so sure about you, I mean you come out of no where and boom we trust you it doesn't really work like that." Edward explained the others nodding there heads in agreement.

She glared directly at me,  "Let me guess you got that from him!"

She pointed her finger at me still glaring. Her lip curled like she had just tasted something extremely sour.

"Even if I did I would trust him more than you." Edward was now getting defensive.

I cleared my throat, "Could we just not do this." I said calmly.

Dakota eyes turned into pure slits.

"Look I know everyone's on edge but we need to calm down." Carlisle said in a stern tone.

"Dakota right now it's complicated and we just need to keep our heads." Esme squeezed her shoulder lightly with a firm smile.

Dakota exhaled sharply and stomped out the room like a true teenage girl.

"She's such a drama queen." Rosalie mumbled as she filed her perfect nails.

We all turned to look at her with our eyebrows raised.

"I know, I know, who am I to judge but like seriously." Rose shrugged annoyed.

I nodded in understanding she was being mellow dramatic now that I think about it.

"So what is this amazing plan?" I asked Carlisld.

"Why don't we go to my office." He said as he sat up.

Edward and I followed him as he walked up the stairs to the office. Edward's arm would brush against mine. I blushed and looked at Edward who was smirking.

We walked into Carslie's office and he sat on his chair with a worried expression on his face. Edward closed and locked the door behind us. I sat on one of the two chairs In front of his desk. Edward say beside me and held my hand closely to his. Carlisle looked at our laced hands and smiled lightly.

"So the plan." I blushed and looked down.

Carlisle chuckled and folded his hands together.

"Right so we plan on having the element of surprise with the wolves. Sam and the rest of the pack will wait for about ten minutes into the fight and then join, Victoria will never see them coming." Carlisle sounded excited.

"So we wait it out and fight when they least expect it." I said.

Carlisle frowned for a second.

"Jake, your not fighting." Edward made small circles with his thumb on hand.

"What!?" I shouted angrily.

Carlisle sighed and gave me an apologetic look.

"Jacob even if you have the babies before the battle you'll be too weak to fight." Carlisle said with the frown still on his face.

"But-" I tried.

"Jake, we don't want you to get hurt don't you understand." Edward sighed and gave me puppy dog eyes.

"Don't give me that look." I glared at him, "I'll build up my strength after labor please I can't just have you guys risk your life for me and not try to fight."

"I'm sorry jake but we can't risk it." Carlisle stood up and patted my shoulder before he walked out the room.

"Edward, I'm not going to stand around doing nothing." My grip on his hand tightened.

He had a look of regret on his face, "Jacob it's not safe for you or the children."

I slipped my hand out of Edwards and glared at him.

"Jacob i.." He tried to touch me but I blocked all of his attempts, "Please just try and understand."

"I understand and I'd like for you to take me home." I crossed my arms not looking him in the eye.

"Jac-" He began.

"Now!" I glared at him so harshly he winced.

I would've felt bad but I'm too angry to. He stood up and opened the door for me.

[Edward's point of view]

I opened the door for Jacob and walked him downstairs. He was down right furious, my attempts to comfort him only mad him angrier. I grabbed my car keys and Jacob walked to my car. Alice stopped me before I made it to my car.

"What's wrong with Jacob." I made sure Jacob was out of earshot before I answered.

"I told him about the plan and let's say the pregnancy hormones are heightened ." I mumbled as I ran my hand through my hair.

"That bad, huh." Alice chuckled, "Well good luck."

She patted my shoulder and skipped away.

"Thanks." I muttered sarcastically.

I walked to the garage where Jacob was standing beside my Volvo. I unlocked the door, Jacob was about to get in but he was having a difficult time. I stood behind him and helped him in, my hand wrapped around his waist and stood close enough so that he could feel my breath against his neck.

I heard the blood rush to his face.

"You still mad." I breathed.

"N-no." Jacob stuttered slightly.

I looked at Jacob and brushed my lips against his and he made a strained groan.

"I love you." I smiled.

"Love you too." Jacob kissed me passionately. "

Whoa." I heard Emmett laugh.

"You two really need a room." I slipped out of Jacobs side of the car and shut his door gently.

"Emmett what the hell do you want!?" I glared angrily.

"I'm just heading out with Jazz we're about to leave right now." He shrugged and opened up his shiny red jeep.

I grumbled my annoyance under my breath and got into the Volvo.

"Ready?" I asked jake.

He nodded and I opened the garage door. Jasper walked out and got into Emmett's jeep quietly.

I exited the garage first and entered the packed high way. Jacob and I groaned at the same time. This is going to be a long ride.

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