Chapter Six: The Meeting

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What do you think so far? Is it slow? Sorry if it is.I'm trying my hardest here okay Bye bye.

[Jacob's point of view]

The meeting started and we began talking about the red head and her mate, who by the way will be getting killed by me if I ever get the opportunity to get them. Edward had his eyes locked on me and only me, it made me uncomfortable. I hated getting attention and with him staring at me I felt a blush come onto my face.

"Jacob, what's wrong?" Quil mumbled so that I was the only one that heard him.

"It's nothing." I dismissed him but he gave me a doubtful look.

I really feel like him staring at me is going to lead to something of unresolved sexual tension. That I'm not going to be prepared for. It was like he was stripping me with his eyes. It made me feel so bare, so exposed. Yet almost everyone in the room was oblivious towards my feelings.

"You little mutt!" Edward got up and grabbed me by the arm, he started dragging me out of the house.

What the hell did i think or do? I shot Sam a panicked glance, he only shrugged. The others didn't seem to care because they know he can't hurt me not now at least. But what did I do I need to know so that I don't do it again. Bella was the only one who seemed really worried but Carlisle told Bella to sit down that we just need some time to talk. Edward dragged me to the woods. We stopped and we were looking each other eye to eye.

"Did i say or think something-but-i'm sorry if i offended you.." I was stuttering nonstop.

He smiled brightly at me, I was genuinely confused. What the hell was going on, I felt so lost. He only smiled at me his golden eyes bright with amusement.

"You did nothing wrong, I just wanted to talk to you and see again, but just us two no one else." He said with a gentle smile.

I blushed a dark red, he chuckled. His hands rested on my neck and his lips were on mine in a matter of seconds. His lips were cool against mine which was refreshing. He moaned and i pulled apart for some air. Just because he doesn't need to breath doesn't mean i don't.

"Jacob, I love you." His eyes never left mine and I felt my heart pounding rapidly in my chest butterflies were erupting in my stomach.

"Edward I-I love you too." I bit back a smile trying to stay serious.

He kissed me again but this time it got a little more intimate much to my delight. His hands went under my shirt feeling my chest up and down. I held back a moan.

"Edward-" I stopped talking because he trailed down kisses to my neck and he started sucking on it but never drew a drop of blood.

Which I'm thankful for. But damn did it feel good, i ran my hands through his silky bronze hair a sigh escaping my swollen lips. He pushed me against a tree our bodies grinding against one another, his cool hands were all over my body. I felt like I was on fire his touches were too much. I moaned as did he. He lifted me up my legs around his waist, he unbuttoned my pants and he kissed be again biting at my lips.

"Hey, Sam and Carlisle wants you guys back-uh." Paul began but stopped taking in the sight in front of him.

Emmett stood right by him. Edward and I stopped kissing to look at them. My breathing was uneven, and we looked like a heated mess i'm sure of it.

"Tell them we're talking." Edward dismissed them with a wave of his hand.

"But-" Emmett started.

Edward gave him a flat look and Emmett walked away with Paul laughing. I'm guessing Edward had covered for Emmett many times before. He started kissing me again ripping my shirt off, i groaned his fingers slowly trailing below my waistband.

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