Chapter Twenty Four: Just Do it

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So most likely this will be done after graduation,so yay. This book will be ending soon, but I'll be writing other fanfics I'm making a teen wolf one right now.

[Jacob's Point Of View]

[A couple of months later]

I woke up startled to the sound of the twins crying. Edward had gone hunting with everyone except Alice who had went yesterday by herself. I didn't ask why, but I'm sure she has a reasonable explanation for staying behind.

"Jake, go back to sleep I'll take care of them." She called out from the hall way in her usual cheery tone.

I sighed and sat up, "it's okay I'm already up anyway."

I grunted as I stood up, my bones were stiff, since Edward has been training me it has gotten harder to keep up. He makes me do twice the work then I'm used to and he doesn't believe in breaks that are longer then five minutes.

I cracked my back as I stretched and made my way to the twins nursery. Alice was gently rocking both the twins in her arms a small smile on her face. I couldn't help but grin at the sight before me it was just too sweet.

"What time is it?"I questioned.

She turned to me still smiling. She continued to rock the now sleeping twins. Katherine was getting drool all over her sleeve but Alice didn't seem to mind.

"Three in the morning."She spoke softly careful not to wake the babies.

I grabbed Ken from her and gently put him in his crib, she did the same to Kat. We walked out the room quickly yet quietly not wanting to wake them again. She smiled as we both made our way down the stairs.

"What?" I questioned.

She then snorted, trying to keep her laughter in. It was like she knew some joke that I wasn't getting. I sighed and glared at her wanting her to spill whatever it was she was thinking.

"Alice." I whined feeling like a child.

"It's nothing I promise." She stifled laughter and I felt myself becoming even more irritated with her.

"Jake, you know that's not fair." She grumbled. "Ugh,  fine I'll tell you, but only because you're acting like a brat."

"I am not." I frowned but she only rolled her eyes.

"It's just, I was thinking,have you and Edward you know had sex since-" she started.

"Alice, I don't think I want to-" My face was bright red with a blush.

"Because it's totally cool if you guys are not." She gave me an understanding smile.

"Alice, you're my best friend and I love you, but some things are meant to stay private between Edward and I." I bit my lip and she nodded.

"But, I would tell you if me Jazz were-you know active." She grinned.

"Can we change the subject?" She folded her hands on her lap and nodded.

"Who's bottom now?" She smirked and I felt my body stiffen.

I sat up quickly, "Alice, I will not be having this conversation with you."

She followed me into the kitchen where I was trying to escape her rather than conversate with her. I sighed trying my best to stay composed.

"Jake, your so shy when it comes to this topic, why?" She sat on one of the counters.

I began making myself coffee trying to stay distracted, "It's a touchy subject that I like to keep private."

"Oh I beg to differ, most guys talk about sex all the time." She spoke with confidence.

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