Chapter Three: Seriously?

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Hey, hey, hey so this will be an mpreg just cause I've been reading a lot of mpregs and they seem fun to write.

[Jacob's point of view]

The pack and I went downstairs after my mini breakdown deciding that playing the Xbox would help take my mind off things for a while. We were playing some fighting game that let me take out my frustration on father characters. My mind was racing with thoughts about Edward and how he would take it when tell him about the imprint or if I'm even going to tell him about it.

Maybe i could leave to Canada and not come back once he finds out. But him finding out is entirely up to me, I wouldn't even have to leave unless I tell him. I sigh watching the TV as video game characters best each other up, why couldn't I get a simple life with simple problems.

"Hell yeah!" Leah and Quil high fived as they beat Sam and Jared.

They made me lose my train of thought, I chuckled lightly hoping they wouldn't suspect my inner turmoil. It was all so new to me, this imprinting thing and I had to admit I hated it. Everything felt like it revolved around Edward and that was the fate I had to accept.

"I'm up next with Jake." Seth called out making me look his way.

We all nodded. Everyone knew that when we teamed up they were doomed to lose automatically. It was great knowing that Seth and I were on the same skill level. Embry and Paul grabbed the other remotes and I bit back an excited grin, Paul was going to be so pissed when we win.

The front door opened and i could hear the familiar squeak of my father's chair. My dad wheeled in with Sam's and Paul's dads. Which wasn't much of a surprise seeing how they were also elders, they grew up with one another all as wolves. My dad smiled fondly at me and I only swallowed hard thinking of a way to break it to him when no one else was around.

"The decision has been made you're all going to be transferred into forks high." My dad announced causing Embry to pause the game.

What no I'm trying to stay away from Cullen not get closer to him. My heart pounded with excitement but my mind raised with denial. This was all too much how was i going to control my emotions around him. I stayed still soaking in the information he had given me, I wasn't too sure how to take it.

"Hear that Jake, you get to spend time with Cullen." Paul teased and I glared at him ready to ring his stupid neck.

"What's he talking about?" Paul's dad asked making something inside me click, he wanted to expose me in front of our parents.

I got up ready to beat him, Paul caught on and sprinted out of the house. I was right on his tail without even giving it a second thought. Paul was fast but I was faster and we both knew that. It was only a matter of seconds before I would be able to catch him.

"Jacob, come back!" Sam called after me but Paul and I were already too far from the house to even consider going back.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" I yelled after him and he let out a squeak of fear.

He ran into the Forest but i was on his heels. He wasn't very fast so it was extremely easy to keep up with him. He made a sharp right and it was so sudden that when i tried to do the same I lost my balance and rolled to the Cullen side of the border. It was all a blur as I tumbled to the ground. Small grunts of pain escaped me lips as I continued to roll. Twigs hit my skin scraping it. I could feel myself healing but as I healed I would get scratched all over again. Finally the rolling stopped and the pain dulled on my healing limbs.

"Ugh." I groaned as I sat up taking in my new found pain and surroundings.

My leg was bent in the wrong direction and i was covered was covered in dirt. I sighed clutching my broken leg ready to snap it back into place. I'm seriously going to kill Paul. My head was throbbing and my body ached. I got up and winced in pain but fell right back down. I would have to wait until my leg healed just to get up, I rubbed at my face feeling the energy drain out of me.

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