Chapter Nine: Weird things happening to my body

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I'm enjoying writing this and i hope you're enjoying the story.

[Jacob's Point Of View]

I woke up yet again to morning sickness. I bolted out of my room and into the bathroom making a bee line for the toilet. I knelt by the toilet and emptied my stomach. I clutched onto the toilet the sounds coming out of me were almost as bad as the bile. I rested my head on the seat feeling like death.

"Son, are you okay?" My dad spoke from downstairs and I groaned.

"No." I yell back and vomit rose from inside me making me clutch my stomach.

Nothing came out which made me a tad bit grateful. I was tired of throwing up especially after just waking up. It just makes me even more tired than before.

After the vomit finally stopped I brushed my teeth trying to get rid of the taste. I walked back into my room once I was done brushing my teeth. If I could just go back to sleep I would never get back up but that wasn't the case.

I got dressed in a kind of baggy black v-neck, grey joggers, and black gym shoes. I would much rather be comfortable throughout the day than anything else. I grabbed my sweater and my book bag just like any other morning and i walked out of my room and down the stairs where my pack and father were eating.

"Whoa Jake, you gained a couple pounds." Paul choked a little on the food he was eating.

I mean i did gain more weight with all the food I've been eating but I wouldn't really consider myself fat. I gulp down a lump that is forming in my throat and look away from him. Maybe he's right maybe I am getting fat.

"Don't listen to him Jay," my father hummed. " You look fine. "

Everyone shot him a glare. He merely shrugged and gave me a sheepish smile. Somehow his usual teasing and rude comments got to me. Me of all people! I'm guessing cause it's of these damn mood swings.

"I'm fat." I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"What? No Jake, you're not fat." Sam said with a small reassuring smile on his face.

The tears I tried to hold back slipped out of my eyes and I sniffed wiping them away. I heard Paul groan and the others whisper threats to him.

"Jake, don't cry I was just kidding." Paul said with a nervous smirk.

"You just called me fat of course I'm gonna cry." I let the frustration become evident in my voice.

Damn mood swings this is all their fault. I was crying because I couldn't take a joke. A stupid joke might I add.

"Jake, is it that time of the month?" Paul teased trying to lighten the mood but evidently making it worse.

What in the hell is his problem. Is he an idiot or just an ass. How does his remarks even work seeing how when girls are pregnant they don't get their periods. Why won't he just leave me alone.

"Don't mess with a pregnant person." Billy muttered shaking his head.

Of course he wouldn't mess with a pregnant person seeing how he has three kids. I'm glad at least he understands sort of what I'm going through.

"Is it my time of the month?! Are you an idiot? I'm freaking pregnant and fat, and the vomit won't stop why don't you just fuck off!" I shout my face burning with a blush.

He really knows how to push my buttons and he's lucky I don't wring his little neck right now. Paul winced at my words backing down from his little joke fest.

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