Chapter Fifteen: Meeting Dakota

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I caught a cold so my life keeps getting better and better, haha. Anyway I visited my dad in the hospital and he made some progress like he's moving a bit and trying to open his mouth. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!

[Jacob's point of view]

You know at this moment this Dakota chick seems like a bad idea letting her into the house, but I'm going to play it cool for Edward's sake. Edward and i walked into the living room where everyone was gathered around this girl and right when I saw her face I knew she was trouble. I played it cool like I usually did.

Edward was some what socially awkward when it came to meeting new people I know this because I've seen him like this multiple times. I chuckled so quietly that none of them heard me. Edward introduced me and I waved. Emmett just started laughing because of how awkward this really is.

"Really Emmett." I said a tad bit annoyed but his smile grew wider and his laugh got louder.

That Dakota chick immediately started starring at with this weird look in her eyes. Edward soon became fierce and was growling wildly.

"Edward what's wrong?" Carlisle questioned.

His eyes turned into small slits and his nostrils flared. I could see the anger bowling to the surface of his face. Edward's growls had turned harsher and his eyes landed directly on Dakota. Maybe it was something she thought about or maybe she rubbed him the wrong way.

Carlisle stood up and walked to Edward and calmly walked him out the room so he could talk to him in private. I was confused anybody could tell without even having Jasper's power. I sat down beside Esme and she smiled up at me and placed her small yet cold hands on my stomach, the twins love Esme I know this because everyone loves her. They both kicked rapidly and she smiled this sweet mother smile that everyone melts under.

Esme continued to smile as Edward and Carlisle walk back into the room now they both had this look on there face between annoyed and calm. They both motioned for the rest of the family to get out of the room as we all gave them questioning looks. I looked at Edward and stuck my hand out towards him with the cutest puppy dog eyes I could muster and that wasn't too hard I mean I'm a werewolf for crying out loud. He tried to fight it but he soon caved in and took my hand and I was pretty smug about it too.

"I hate when you give those eyes." He grumbled sourly.

"You love them." I batted my eyelashes sweetly and he chuckled.

"Please excuse us." Carlisle told Dakota who nodded.

We all walked into the well spaced kitchen. I had this urge to just dig through the fridge until I found something amazing to eat. Edward chuckled as my thoughts started to fill up with food and how good it sounded at the moment.

Carlisle looked tense and also a tad stressed. He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He's golden locks moved only a bit, but it still looked perfect. I wonder if his hair is as soft as Edward's.

"Well Edward tell them about Dakota." Carlisle said so calmly it was like scary calm.

Edward looked annoyed, "Jacob she fell in love with you."

Jealousy was written all over his face. I exploded with laughter. Everyone looked at me with a questioning look.

"I imprinted on Edward you have nothing to worry about, you can't break an imprint no matter how hard you try, and I'm pregnant with his children if you guys have forgotten." I rolled my eyes with my hands on my large stomach.

"I don't know guys." Emmett spoke as if he knew something.

"Why is there something you're not telling us?" Rose snipped, "are you suddenly an expert on imprints?"

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