Authors note

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Let me just say one thing I am not seeking attention or trying to make you feel bad for me, but I think you guys have a right to know.

My father has passed away and we were very close, I mean he called me his partner in crime for gods sake.

He died October 17th and his funeral was the weekend after. My family and I are having hard times. My sister Yahaira and I had false hope, we thought he was going to make it and he didn't.

My mom, well my mom left my dad because I have no idea but you know what she said at the funeral she will always love my dad, and I believe he completely.

Now my other sister Jasmine she felt guilty because the last time she talked to him they fought she was one of the reasons he had to leave and now that guilt hangs with her forever.

Lots of the people at the funeral felt guilty mostly because the hadn't talked to him in years, that's because my father was very anti social and he was mostly about work and family.

One of the reasons he died was because of stress, and that was because he was trying to get an apartment for and Yahaira to come to on the weekend, he was crashing with my uncle.

Now things have changed my grades are going down and I eat a lot, my mom locks herself in the room most of the time, Yahaira is always at her boyfriends house because she can't stand being home, Jasmine either at work or college and im usually over my cousin who is like a sister house on the weekend.

My new home is literally in the worst area and I have to take two buses to school when before I could just walk five minuets and bam im there.

I don't have a phone my s3 broke because of the battery and my other which happens to be my dads is off and my mom doesn't want to pay the bill because of god knows what, so im stuck and that's also why I haven't updated.

I know it sounds like im complaining  but I just miss my old life.

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