Chapter Fourteen: Finding Dakota

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So my dad is in the hospital and now it has become health issues. He's in a coma at the moment but he's starting to move and I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while.

(Edward's point of view)

I paced as I thought of all the ways Victoria could strike us at any given moment. My first thought is to protect Jacob, he's my love and the father of my children. Looking back I really don't know how things got so out of hand and I don't mean with Jacob I mean with Victoria and Bella, also my family it's all so stressful.

Jacob is soundly asleep on my bed. I don't want to wake him because this is the best sleep he has gotten in weeks; The twins like to wake him in the middle of the night so he hasn't rested much lately. He snored softly his chest rising and falling with every breath.

I smiled and brushed my fingers against his face softly making him moan gently. I chuckled and stepped away from the bed not daring to annoy him awake. I opened my bedroom window to let fresh air in.

That's when I smelled it, lilac filling my nose, another vampire who. Who would dare come on my family's land? Have the wolves found the vampire yet? Of course they haven't; it's about three in the morning they're all asleep.

I jumped out of my open window and sprinted to the scent, out of know we're Alice was beside me sniffing out the scent also. I glared at her but she smiled speeding up.

"What are you doing?" I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Edward, do you seriously think I'm letting you go by yourself, you have a family at home now." She looked at me with wide eyes, "so the least I can do is make sure you don't die."

I rolled my eyes at her and she looked a bit too smug for my liking. I shoved her and she knocked into a tree which made the tree crash to the ground with a loud thud.  Alice glared at me and continued to run by my side.

We stopped by a long glistening water fall that was surrounded by bright yellow flowers and purple lilies. The moon light illuminated around us and the tall trees that tangled above us seemed darker than usual. The leaves beneath mine and Alice's shoes crunched quietly as we walked closer to the water. The scent had stopped around here.

"Isn't it just beautiful here, Edward." She chimed.

I nodded this is something I have to show Jacob. I know he'll love it just as much as Alice does. Alice sighed calmly looking like there was no worries in the world for her.

"Alice, the scent." I reminded her and that easy going look wiped off her face.

"Oh, yeah." She gave a half frustrated huff and nodded.

I walked to the rocky side of the waterfall where the scent had gotten stronger. I looked over at Alice who looked just as suspicious as i felt. We both looked up at waterfall to the very top.

"Give me a boost." Alice spoke with determination.

"Alice, you're a vampire you can jump on your own." I rolled my eyes.

"Do you not see how short I am." She made gesture with her hands showing how short she was.

I gave her a flat look, but hoisted her up to where she could start climbing. She gave me a smug smile and latched onto a sturdy looking branch. She pulled her body weight up and started moving up.

"Thank you." She grinned down at me and I nodded.

The scent was getting stronger the higher up we went. Alice was first to the top using her short legs to make it up. She gracefully twirled around and stuck out her hand for me to grab which I gladly did no longer wanting to climb.

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