Chapter Ten: Soon we will know.

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So about this chapter I'm not really sure if they should have twins,triplets,or just one kid and if it should be a boy or girl.

(Jacob's point of view)

Edward and I stayed in bed cuddled up with one another. I played with a small silky strand of his bronze hair. He smiled down at me his eyes bright golden. He kissed one of my knuckles and I sighed melting at his touch.

"So any baby names?" I hummed and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I was thinking for our sweet baby boy that we'd name him Kenneth." Edward played with my fingers intertwining his with mine.

"Kenneth is a classic I like it." I gave him a reassuring smile, "but we're having a girl."

He chuckled shaking his head,"okay so if we have a girl, what will you name her?"

"Katherine." I stated simply his hands resting on my stomach.

"That's a lovely name." Edward rubbed my stomach in a soothing manner.

He smiled as my sweet little Katherine kicked my stomach. I smiled up at him and he grinned back at me. He softly kissed my lips and I kissed back almost too eagerly.

I pulled away from the kiss and he sighed, "How about who ever is wrong has to kiss the parent that's right."

"It's a win, win." He nibbled at my lips making me blush.

He kissed my lips and i slowly forgot about fighting over the gender and could only focus on how great this feeling was. My hands ran through his hair as he laid me underneath him. He was over me his arms keeping him up. My back arched as his lips went to my neck. I wanted him so badly right now. He stopped and chuckled I could feel his cool breath on my neck.

"Jacob, you're pregnant." He mumbled and I grunted a small complaint escaping my lips.

"Pregnant people do it sometimes." I muttered and he shook his head.

"No Jacob, I can't risk hurting this baby." Edward frowned as did I.

I would never want to hurt my sweet baby girl. He got off from on top of me and we both sat up. He gave me a sympathetic smile and I returned it with one of reassurance.

An abrupt knock on the door made me jump and Edward chuckle. Why does someone always have to interrupt. I attempted to get up and answer the door but failed miserably, my stomach stopping me from doing so. Edward laughed and helped me up from my spot.

"It's not funny." I pouted at him I could tell he was holding back laughter.

He popped up in front of me and kissed my lips in a sort of apology. My face flushed and he sat back down on my bed and smiled at me. I walked to the door and opened it.

"Uh, Jake, Billy wants you down stairs he said someone was on the phone for you and um Edward." Charlie stuttered awkwardly.

"Okay we'll be down in a second." I nodded and closed the door.

Edward stood behind me curiosity evident in his expression. I turned to face him wrapping my arms around his waist dragging him closer to me.

"Who's on the phone?" I questioned obviously wanting him to read my dad's mind.

"It's Sam we have a meeting and my family are on their way." He mumbled tuning in to my dad's head.

I could feel a pit in my stomach grow. What if something happened or someone got hurt. Edward looked down at me and his expression softened and he gave me a reassuring smile.

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