Chapter Five:Weekend

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This is going to be Edward's perspective so you cant say that i never do any one else's perspective besides Jacob's. Well here's an Edward's chapter

[Edwards point of view]

Jacob ran past us, upset and angry. I wanted to go comfort the young wolf but he hurt my beautiful Bella. His pack had walked out with his father and my family. I watched Bella who looked shaken up by Jacob's outburst, I didn't blame her.

I grabbed Bella's hand and walked away from the private beach Jacob had unwillingly showed everyone. We walked to our cars that were parked in front of Jacob's little red house. I this weight of leaving him rest on my shoulders and I didn't understand why I felt bad for walking away from him but I did. I thought the imprint didn't think the imprint would kick in as quickly as it did.

I came here because his pack had called us to ask us if we had seen Jacob. Which we had not, that worried me knowing Jacob he'd probably left town or worse. My family didn't know he imprinted in me and I'd like to help it that way. I could hear his thoughts from where I stood and I felt guilty knowing how upset he was.

He wants to leave and for good but he can't without me. Somehow he thinks i hate him because he called Bella a Bitch. Which isn't entirely true, I don't hate him not anymore at least but he did go a little overboard. That I admit.

"I'm sorry for Jacobs behavior..I will speak to him today." Sam said a frown on his face as his eyebrows knit together.

Jacob's father nodded his head with a frown on his face. I do agree it was uncalled for, but he did want that place just for himself just like i want the meadow for just Bella and I. Here I was defending Jacob the boy I hated just a couple days ago this situation was just a mess.

"Thank you." I nodded to both Billy and Sam.

I opened the door to the Volvo for Bella who sniffed and muttered a quiet thank you. She was crying but I didn't know how to comfort her in any way. I walked to the driver side getting in my seat and started my car. I sped off and got onto the vacant highway that would take me to Bella's house.

I was driving past the speed limit and no one else was on the rode so it was fine. It took me about fifteen minutes to get to Bella's house which was longer then usual. I parked in front of her house turning off my car with the key in the ignition. She looked at me her eyes blood shot.

"I'll see you tonight Edward." Bella looked crushed and I couldn't think of a way to help.

"Alright love." I kissed her on the forehead.

"I love you." She mumbled her voice hoarse.

"Forever." I whispered back but something in the back of my head didn't believe that statement.

She hopped out my car, well it was more like tumble and she opened her front door and shut it behind herself without a look back. I drove back to my house as it started to drizzle. Small rain droplets hitting my windshield the clouds above me grey. I sighed putting on classical music to sooth my inner turmoil.


I opened the garage door and parked my Volvo by Emmett's Jeep. Everything seemed to be intact. I sighed and ran my hand through my bronze silky hair. Why was everything so complicated. I got out my car and walked inside. Everyone was home I could all of them going about in the house. I placed my keys in a small bowl that rested on a table besides the garage door.

I will have to tell my family about the imprint sooner or later and I was really hoping for later. I groaned as I walked into the living room where everyone was doing what they 'regularly' would do at this time of day. Alice and Rosalie were reading some magazines Alice's were of course fashion magazines, Jasper and Emmett were playing guitar hero Jasper was currently winning, and Esme and Carlisle were talking quietly to one another both of them holding each other's hands. I sat by Alice on the couch she didn't seem to mind in fact age rested her legs on my lap with a bored huff.

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