Chapter Twenty Two: Dakota Is Alot More Fiesty Than We Thought!

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Hey guys so I'm am super sorry for not updating. Sense it's the end of the year we've been testing and working on projects. I'm also getting ready to go to Washington for my eighth grade trip on May 27th, maybe I'll see one of you guys there.

[Jacob's point of view.]

Bella followed Edward inside the house me right behind them. She tried grabbing his hand but he refused and kept walking leaving Bella confused and hurt. Carlisle and Esme were right behind me with the babies in their hands, Dakota was hopping behind them excitedly, I'm guessing she likes babies. We all made our way into the living room and I grabbed the babies from Carlisle and Esme.

"Edward I'm going to put them in the crib explain everything to Bella." I mumbled he nodded kissing my hand.

"Oh Jacob! can I help with the babies?" Dakota chirped happily.

"Uh, not now Dakota later okay." I let her down gently.

"Okay." She mumbled dissapointed.

I climbed the stairs to the babies nursery. I opened the door the room was huge and beautiful and it being a gender neutral color yellow it was stunning. I gently placed the car seats on the floor and moved the sun blocker from each of them. Kat was up smiling up at me, I smiled unbuckling her and placing her in the crib by the closet. Then I grabbed sleeping Zane and put him in the crib by the window. He stirred a bit but went back to sleep. I looked back at Kat who was now drooling asleep she's going to be one deep sleeper that's for sure.

I tiptoed out the room and shut the door quietly. With a sigh I descended down the stairs exhausted. Going into labor wasn't all that fun and now Bella is back and I don't even know how. Everyone was gathered in the living room. I was wondering where Alice, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie were at.

"They're at the mall shopping." Edward answered my question.

I only frowned at him he looked stressed but was trying to mask it. Bella sat impatiently on the couch beside Edward. I flopped down on his other side my hand resting on his thigh secretly. Carlisle,Esme,and Dakota sat across from us quietly.

"Bella we thought you were dead." Esme said gently her hands intertwined with Carlisle's.

"I just went to Arizona for two months." She sighed.

"Bella you were a Vampire you came to my house and choked me!" I almost yelled but remembered the babies were sleeping.

"You guys really went crazy when I left." Bella looked uneasy.

Carlisle mumbled something under his breath and Esme gasped, "You think so?"

Carlisle nodded.

"Edward that vampire you killed wasn't Bella." He said.

Realization came upon Edward's face, "You think it was a mirror?" Edward looked annoyed like he had been fooled. Carslie nodded still thinking.

"What the hell is a mirror?" Dakota asked.

"It's a gift like my mind reading this vampire could turn into anyone it wanted to." Edward grumbled.

"So there was a vampire that looked like me and you killed it..without question." Bella looked extremely hurt.

"She was hurting Jacob of course I did." He growled.

"Was I suppose to let her kill him?" Bella looked away hurt.

"Bella-i imprinted on Edward while you were away." I said softly.

She rose from her seat and slapped me straight across the face.

"Ow! what the hell, Bella?" I held my cheek.

Since I just got out of labor I'm still weak. Dakota was up within a second as was Edward. I pulled him back down and kept him close.

"You wanna go blood bag!?"She growled.

"Get the hell out of my way you stupid bitch leech." Bella spat.

They both started to stare each other down. I soon became too exhausted to give two shits. Carlisle got in between them.

"Dakota, you need to hunt, Esme dear?" He looked at Esme with pleading eyes.

She nodded and took Dakota out through the back.

"Bella, I think it's time for you to leave." Carlisle said soothingly.

Bella huffed and stormed out the house. At least she knew when to leave. I yawned and looked over at Edward who smiled at me. My eye lids were starting to grow heavy  I could barely keep them open.

"Jake, love?" Edward mumbled in my ear.

I grunted and laid back down shutting my eyes. I felt one arm go under my back and another under my legs as Edward carried me bridal style. I opened my eyes a bit to see Bella staring enviously outside from her truck. I shut them again and cuddled into Edward's chest.

He began to hum as he walked up the stairs, my body swayed in his arms, "Jacob, I love you so much."

"Goodnight." He set me down on a super soft bed.

He pulled my shoes off and wrapped me in a warm blanket.

"Sleep tight, my love" He kissed my forehead and then everything went dark.

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