Chapter Nineteen: My water broke

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I've been taking ISATs and stuff, school has been hectic lol. How have you guys been?I joined yearbook and life has been easier I guess but I miss updating regularly so here you go! MUAH I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

(Jacob's point of view)

The night had fallen and everyone had left. I walked up to my room and changed to pajamas leaving my father downstairs where he watched tv. I sighed as I climbed into bed. I went under the blankets poking my head out making sure that I got fresh air.

My body felt heavy, or heavier than usual, which is weird in a way. I haven't felt like this the entire pregnancy, but now that I'm here alone in my room my body extremely heavy. Almost like if I were to try to get up now that wouldn't work.

My room was pitch black leaving nothing, but the faint glow of the moon's light. I heard my father shut off the tv and roll to his room. His bedroom door shut and the house grew silent. I tried to turn to my side as best as I could and shut my eyes letting sleep consume me.


A sharp pain surprised me awake. I gasped for air. My room was pitch black and the house was completely silent.

"Da-" I cried out tears flowing out of my eyes, "Dad!"

I heard a sharp gasp from downstairs and the sound of his wheel chair being messed with. Another sharp pain to my side; cried out in pain. My bed was soaked. My water broke. My water broke!

"Jacob, what's wrong!?" My father yelled from downstairs.

I tried to steady my breath as I started seeing black spots.

"Dad! I think my water just broke." My throat felt raw and my voice was shaky.

"Shit." I heard him mutter, "Don't worry, son, I'm calling Doctor Cullen."

He yelled and I heard him go to his phone. I cried loudly as my spine felt like it was cracking. I began screaming as both of my sides burned with pain.

"Doctor Carlisle, Jacob's water just broke!" I could hear my dad panicking, "Yes, yes, right now." 

I cried tears pricking at my eyes, contractions were starting. A rush of wind went through my room snd I looked up to see Edward was here. He turned on the bedroom light and I felt some relief come over me.

"The babies." I breathed.

"I know." He mumbled softly.

I sucked in a sharp breath as the lower area of my body started to burn. Just like when Victoria's stupid mate got to me. Edward lifted me up carefully, making sure not to put any pressure on my stomach.

"We're taking you to the hospital." Edward carried me past my concerned father.

"H-how." I sucked in a quick breath and Edward gave me a sympathetic look.

"Through the back to a room Carlisle has ready for you." Edward kept his tone calm, but I could see the hint of panic in his eyes.

"Billy will follow us." Edward said as he placed me in the rabbit.

Edward shut my door and I wrapped my hands around my stomach,"Ahh."

I wailed as the babies kicked at my ribs. Edward was about to help my dad when Rachel and Paul came into view and told him to drive that they got Billy. Edward nodded and got into the rabbit beside me.

I cried again as my kidney felt like it was being pounded, "Breath, love, breath." Edward soothed as he drove onto the highway.

"How can I fucking breath when my inside are being turned into pudding!" I growled and winced as my vision started to fill with black spots.

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