Chapter Twenty Five:The End

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This is it guys this is the end. I'm glad that you all enjoyed the book, but it's time to say goodbye.I love you guys I'll miss you guys.

[Jacob's point of view]

Thick fog rolled through the forest making it difficult for me to see my shoes. I could smell them getting closer but I had to stay behind or else the plan would be ruined. Seth and I would waited until the battle started then the plan was in action. Seth was in his wolf form I stayed in my human form so that I could grab the kids and run. My mind is racing with all the things that could go wrong.

Seth whined and nudge my leg. I smiled weakly at him and continued to think. Thats when Edward came up from behind me and kissed my cheek.

"Stop worrying you got Seth with you."He tried to be reassuring, but by the look in his eyes I could tell he was just as worried as I was.

He patted Seth's head gaining a huff from him, "I'll see you after the battle."

Edward kissed my lips quickly and ran off into the woods. My heart was pounding quicker then I thought It ever could. Seth was huffing and pacing.

"We both need to relax." I chuckled nervously,he nodded though he didn't stop.

Thats when I heard it the sound of battle cries from the new borns. I could see a couple from where I stood. They all looked so dangerous yet something about was not as threatening as the Cullens.

"Ready?" I whispered.

Seth nodded, I could tell he was nervous but so was I. We both started running. I'm faster than Seth but he makes up for it with his reflexes, from the corner of my eye i see flashes of the fight. Edward punched somebody's head off with a loud grunt. I looked just for a second and someone kicked Dakota's head right off her shoulders. A gasp escaped from my mouth.

I knew that was a bad idea letting a newborn fight other newborns. I kept running. Sure I didn't like Dakota much, but she sure as hell didn't deserve to die. Seth whined, but continued running along side me. Dakota had actually become really close to Seth in the time she was here with us.

"I know, Seth, I'm sorry." I said in between breaths.

I heard small sniffles ahead, the kids. I hope that bitch didn't hurt them. We stopped before we made it to the clearing. I peeked between the trees. Victoria stood with both my babies in her hands laughing as they cried. I nodded towards Seth who went around to where her new mate stood. I could see Seth and he could see me so we were good.

I stepped out into the clearing. Victoria's head whipped to my direction she was grinning wickedly.

"How's it going, mutt?" She spit.

I breathed trying to calm myself, "It's going just fine Victoria."

She was still grinning her mate started towards me, "You wouldn't want to do that."

" didn't come alone." She purred.

Seth walked out from behind the trees growling and snapping his jaw. Her mate stood frozen fear shown all over his face.

"Lets make a deal you give me my twins back and you can leave living." I reached for the kids but she hissed backing away.

"Im not making any kind of deal with you, stupid mutt!" I growled.

"I really think you should take this deal." I urged her.

"Is this really your plan to bribe me with my own life? Do you really think you can kill me?" I chuckled as she kept snarling and doubting me.

"Of course I can't kill you...alone." That's when Edward and Jared walked into the clearing.

That means the new borns are barely making it. Jared was in wolf form snarling and licking at his mouth.

"You the killer how dare you show your face here!."Victoria yelled angrily.

Edward only folded his arms together and smirked,"James had it coming."

She hissed evily clutching the kids in her arms. That's when her mate charged at Edward, but Seth and Jared got to him first. Of course for a second I thought he would get Edward and hurt him but my pack always comes through. He was dead within a minute, his head a couple of feet away from his body.

Edward lit a match and threw it at Victoria's mate. Purple flames rose from his dead body making the air reek of something too sweet. I gagged slightly and covered my nose with my sweater.

"It's your move Victoria." He hissed angrily.

She threw the kids up in the air barely giving me and Edward time to rush to them. I caught Zane before his little body hit the ground and Edward caught Kat. When we looked up Victoria was gone and not a trace of her scent was here.

"Fuck!" I growled.

I walked close to Edward as he listened to Seth's thoughts.

"The battle is over." He mumbled I could tell he was aggravated due to the fact that Victoria got away.

We walked back to the battle grounds and everyone stood with their mates everyone but Dakota. Seth whined uneasily making all of us feel bad. There was a huge pile of limbs in a huge purple fire. Dakota had her separate fire.

We stood In the field, the sun was long gone and the moon's light castes shadows around us. Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and sighed.

"Im glad your okay." He whispered in my ear.

I rested my head on his shoulder,'I love you too.' I thought towards him.


I laid the kids in their cribs and shut the door quietly. Edward stood there smirking, his bronze hair stood perfectly and his pale skin glowed against the pale moon light. He grabbed my hand and we walked outside. Esme was inside with Rose watching tv while the others went on with their lives.

Edward and I walked to the front of the house ready to spend quality time together when we spotted Emmett behind a tree making out with a figure that definitely wasn't Rose. There was fingers tangled in his hair and Emmett hoisted the person up so that their legs were wrapped around his waist. Edward's eyes grew wide and I looked at him with an equally shocked expression.

"Is that?"

"Paul." Edward nodded.

I couldn't help but let laughter escape my throat. Who would've thought. Edward grabbed my hand and lead me away from their view.

"Let's give them some privacy."

Edward and I walked through the forest until we made it to a waterfall. We climbed to the top getting a beautiful view of forks.We sat down quietly hands intertwined with one another.

"Jacob you're the absolute love of my life." He leaned in closer.

"How is it you always know what to say?" I placed one hand on his neck and Edward kissed me gently his hands made their way to my hips.

"Don't ever leave me." He mumbled on my lips.

"Never." I kissed him passionately.

This would be our sweet little forever.

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