Chapter Eight: Trying to Keep The Baby A Secret

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Hey so what do you think about Jacob not telling Edward.

[Jacob's Point Of View]

The buzzing that came from my alarm clock pissed me off to a new extent, I grunted slamming my hand against it. I probably broke it, oh well. I sat up and felt my morning sickness hit, I sprinted to the bathroom without a second thought.

My stomach ached like it usually did when I vomited, I don't think I can do this every morning. This is torture. I rest my head on the bowl practically hugging the toilet. I sighed, my stomach settled a lot quicker than it did yesterday. I flushed the toilet standing up from my spot on the floor and brushed my teeth trying to get rid of the taste of vomit in my mouth.

I stepped into the shower. I scrubbed my body soap suds surfing across my bare body. I rinsed them off with water enjoying the warmth that came from the water. After that I walked to my room with a towel wrapped around my waist.

My stomach had grown quite quickly, a small bump showing on my figure. I rested my hand on my stomach the small bump felt so odd, but again it felt like I was meant to have this small person forming in me.

I sighed and got dressed in a green plain shirt under a plaid shirt and blue jeans with my green converse. This was simple enough to be a perfect outfit for school without looking lazy. I could've just tossed on some sweats and a hoodie and called it a day. I grabbed my leather jacket and shrugged it on it was tighter then usual, I grumbled taking it off and slipping on a sweater.

I walked downstairs where my book bag rested near the kitchen table and grabbed it. I slung it over my shoulder regretting my decision the weight from the bag was heavier than I had expected. I grunted clutching the bag strap.

"Hey, jay." My dad smiled up at me his hair in a tight ponytail.

"Hey." I muttered looking away from him.

"Are you hungry?" He gave me a sympathetic look that I hated.

"Not really." I stay standing ready to just leave and get this day over with.

"Alright." He said with an almost sad smile.

I walked out the door and into my garage. Sam said I couldn't ride my motorcycle so I'm stuck with the rabbit. Not that I mind I love my rabbit, but I love my bike just a little more.

I jumped into the rabbit and drove out of the driveway and towards the school. The radio hummed with low music that made me relax into my seat. The car was warm surprisingly and the longer I drove the more I thought about just ditching class for the day and staying in my car to go driving around.

I pulled into the packed parking lot full of regrets. If I didn't have to catch a scholarship for college I wouldn't have been here in the first place. I parked my car in my new spot and walked to the pack who i had spotted standing next to Paul's car.

"Hey, Jakey." Paul smirked down at me his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm not in the mood." I glared at him ready to punch him.

"Wow, sounds like a personal problem." Paul hummed making me even more ticked off.

I was ready to just deck him right then and there when the Cullens rolled into the parking lot. He was lucky I had gotten distracted or he would've been on the floor with a broken nose. Edward stepped out of his car and I felt the sickening pit in my stomach once again. I sprinted to a trash can vomit sitting in my mouth.

My timing was awful honestly, throwing up would only make him more suspicious and that was the last thing I needed. I could feel him staring at me, his eyes piercing through my back. I spat in the trash trying to rid the taste of vomit from my mouth. I turned to see Edward looking at me with his eyebrows knit and confusion written on his face but I only blocked my mind.

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