Chapter Two:Why do bad things happen to good people??

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[Jacob's point of view]

Never again will I look doctor Carlisle  in the eye ever again, I cringed. Not my best part of my existence that's for sure. He said nothing was wrong with my groin it anything around that area but the vampire that attacked me probably just made me feel pain and it stayed with me. A little too long for my liking.

Well now I'm traumatized so that's also staying with me. After he checked me not only was I uncomfortable but I was pissed. Carlisle acted as is he did this on a daily bases and that made me even more uncomfortable and angry. He just had to act like he was perfect just like the rest of his coven.

Everyone had the signal to come back inside even though their was barely any room to fit everyone, especially the bigger guys. I sighed sitting up from my spot on the couch no longer in excruciating pain like before. A soft burning sensation still tingled around my skin but it was bearable.

Edward looked amused i guess he had heard our thoughts throughout the entire process. I glared at him square in the eye and that's when my whole universe shifted and i had a little mini vision of us. Our future together, my heart skipped a beat, he looked beautiful in the vision. His golden eyes making me melt under their gaze. I bit my tongue blocking my thoughts from him immediately. My cheeks flushed, I had to leave now.

Things just had to get worse. It was as if fate had played a sick twisted game and I was the main pawn. I looked everywhere but at Edward, if I looked I knew it'd be a dead give away. I did my best to block him out but I found it harder and harder as the minutes ticked by, my wolf was irritated. And so was I.

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow but I only looked at my own pack who seemed uncomfortable with the Cullens around. I could tell my face was flushed, I couldn't help it. He kept starting at me with his beautiful honey colored eyes, if I could I would've swooned. I didn't dwell on it though seeing how he was dating my best friend.

That's when the blonde guy leech looked at me I forgot his name i know it started with a 'j' or something. Of course all there names were oldish and no body really cared about them besides Bella. But the look he gave me made me anxious as if he knew. I clenched my fist. Anxiety and love felt like it was pouring out my veins and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

"Jake, what's your problem?" Bella looked at me with her lips in a thin line.

Of course she would tell something was wrong with me but why did she have to look so concerned. She made me feel even more guilty then I already was. This was all a cruel joke that i couldn't find funny. I bit my lip. What else could I do.

Everyone stared at me their stares made me feel nervous, I didn't like it. So I did what any rational person would do, I walked out as fast as i could without hurting myself. Which was ridiculous i know but it was the only thing i could think of at the time, I probably looked like a penguin waddling away but it was the quickest and most effective way for me to get away.

"Jacob." My pack called after me there booming voices making me walk quicker.

"Jake." I heard Bella call after me also but I would only make things worse if I walked back to them.

But their voices just weren't the right one. It was his I wanted to hear. But I never did, my inner wolf cried but I kept my expression blank I would not let this imprint get to me.

I got home as quick as possible. My entire body felt weak, I shut the front door behind me and I could feel a bubble of emotions rise up inside of me. The house was silent which meant my dad wasn't home, so at least I had one thing going for me. Tears spilled out of my eyes and onto my cheeks, I felt so stupid but I couldn't stop them from coming out.

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