Chapter Twenty One:You Thought She Was Gone

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So how bout that cliffhanger? How have you guys been? I got a new baby bird too he's adorable but bites hard,Well I'll see you guys soon.

(The day before)

[Bella's point of view.]

The trip from Arizona was long and tiring but I finally made it back to Forks. The airport was of course packed and I had to cram through the busy people. I wonder what's been going on since I left a six months ago. I had to get away from here because I couldn't deal with vampire drama, so I didn't tell Edward in fear that he would hate me, but he didn't even try to call me.

Sure I was hurt at first because he didn't call me, but then my mother told me that he just needed time to think probably. I'm pretty sure she's right too because if he were to leave me I would be mad as hell. What I did was completely and terribly selfish, stupid, and horrible but I don't want to be sucked in to all this supernatural stuff. Sure having a vampire boyfriend is cool, but did my best friend really have to be a werewolf on top of that.

It was just too much for me to handle so I left.

Charlie waved at me and I walked up to him with a small smile. Gosh this must have killed him inside. Me leaving.

"Hey, kiddo." He gave me a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Hey, dad." I mumbled into his chest.

"I missed you." He frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry." Was all I could really say but he just smiled and took my bag.

We walked out of the airport where is police cruiser was parked. We both got in and he began driving home. I put my headphones on, they usually made the ride home seem quicker. I sighed my breath fogging the window. I shut my eyes as I slowly drifted to sleep.


The car came to a stop and Charlie shook my shoulder gently,"Bella, wake up we're home."

I opened my eyes slightly to see Charlie with a soft smile on his face,"hey Bells we're here."

I groaned only because I was tired the trip from Arizona to here was long enough but now he wanted to wake me from my sleep. Charlie opened the trunk and grabbed my bags making my trip into the house a whole lot easier.

I sat up stiff and climbed out of the patrol car. I walked right behind Charlie as he unlocked the house putting my bags down by his feet.

"You must he starving Bella do you want me to cook.?" He grabbed my bags and walked into the house

I dragged my feet into the house and yawned loudly, "No-no I'm just going to go to bed dad."

He only nodded and walked into the living room. I was hungry but Charlie's cooking isn't the best and plus I really was tired. I went up the stairs and into my room it looked exactly the same. I sighed and plopped onto my bed. It was so warm and comfortable, I kicked off my shoes and wrapped myself in the large purple quilt Charlie had bought me.

I wondered how Jacob was doing or if he had finally imprinted that must be amazing to know exactly who you love and that they won't ever hurt you. Not on purpose at least.

I should visit Jacob tomorrow or should I visit 'him'(Edward). I wonder if he'll hate me, rip me apart, or maybe he'll take me back with open arms. I feel terrible for leaving him but I needed some time apart. My mom thought that was totally out of character of me. I turned to my side to look out the window, a storm was coming and the temperature is dropping.

I shut my eyes as the quiet thump of the rain hit the ceiling. Well then it's final I'm visiting Edward tomorrow. Soon all I heard was the rain, my body was relaxed and my mind was finally at ease. Sleep was beginning to consume me and man did it feel good.

(present day)

I jumped out my red truck to see Edward standing in the forest with a shocked look on his face. I smiled he must have really missed me or he must really hate me either way I have to act happy.

"B-Bella is that you?" I heard Jacob's deep voice from behind me.

I looked back at him and let me tell you he looked different. His shaggy black hair was a little longer, he was growing a small beard, and it seemed like he hit puberty harder than before. I ran towards him to give him a hug but I stopped dead in my tracks.

Edward was in front of Jacob blocking me away from him, "How are you alive."

Edward growled venom rich in his voice. The blood washed from my face fear over coming my happiness.

"What do you mean?" My voice shook.

That's when Jacob placed a hand on Edward shoulder grabbing his attention in a way i never could before.

"Hey so I heard the babies were being born and who is this?" A girl with redish blonde hair walked out of the Cullen's mansion.

"I'm Bella..Edward's girlfriend." I extended my hand out to her, but she only smirked.

"Wow....she doesn't know." She looked back at Edward who was beside a very pale looking Jacob.

"Know what? guys is there something wrong?" Questions began to flow through my mind.

"Bella, how are you even alive?" Jacob said quietly though I can tell he was trying to change the subject.

"I only left to Arizona for a couple of months." I frowned.

Why would they think I'm dead?

"Bella, I killed you." Edward frowned.

I gasped, surprised by the fact that he would think he done such a thing.

"Edward, I know me leaving hurt you but thinking that you killed me is just down right pathetic." I said soothingly.

His face twisted with confusion which I thought was adorable, but just then Carlisle and Esme came out of Carslisle's Mercedes with two baby seats in their hands.

"Someone explain to me what's going on, please?" I said in a slight beg.

"Bells, why don't we talk inside." Jacob suggested.

I nodded following Edward inside. I grabbed his hand but he shook me off quickly.

What in the hell is going on!?!

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