Chapter Sixteen : Fiesty much?

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I love this story.

[Jacob's point of view]

The meeting was extremely awkward with Dakota sitting there asking questions that we already answered. At first it was annoying, but then I started thinking is this girl serious she just pops out of no where and is all of a sudden part of the Cullen clan. I just don't get how they could be so trust worthy this innocent looking leech strolls in here like nothing and is all of a sudden welcomed.

My father could tell this was bugging me because he gave me that look only worried parents could give when they know something is wrong with there child. I sighed and looked around. Emmett had his gaze fixed on Paul who was listening to Sam tell the story.  Dakota was wrapped in the red headed leech's story that she didn't even seem like she was in the room, physically yes, Mentally no.

Edward looked as if he was forcing himself not to say something and I grabbed his hand shocking him a bit. He looked up at me and smiled lightly, breathing a sigh of relief. I smiled back and continued to look around, Dakota was now glaring at mine and Edward's intertwined fingers. I gripped his hand a little tighter with a smug smirk.

Sam gave me a look. He knew what I was doing protecting my 'property' like the dog I am. I smiled at him he looked away with a smile that made me want to laugh.

"So why does Victoria want to kill Jacob?" Dakota questioned.

I felt like blowing my brains out could she please stop asking question. Im feeling grouchy because of the pregnancy, my back aches, im hungry, im tired, and I kind of want to make out with Edward. But if Dakota keeps asking questions, the meeting will be longer then it really should.

I rested my head on Edwards shoulder blocking out the talking, but Edward seemed too tensed for him to become a comfortable pillow. I frowned and lifted my head up, it was no use until Dakota leaves Edward is going to be tensed.

"Could we hurry this shit up." I finally boomed annoyed.

Everyone except my dad, Carlisle, Edward, Alice, Esme, and Jasper gave me a surprised look.

"Jacob why don't we go to my house." Edward mumbled quietly.

"Fine." I sighed.

Edward helped me up and we walked out as they continued the meeting.

"Why does Jacob get to leave." Quil whined as I walked out.

Edward lifted me into the car and we drove off. We made it back to the Cullen house and Edward drove into the garage. I opened my door and jumped out landing on my feet.

"Jacob you could've fallen and gotten hurt." Edward frowned.

I gave him a flat look, "You're too protective, Edward."

He sighed and opened the door to the living room. We walked into the house and I made my way to the bedroom Edward on my tail. I walked into his room kicked off my shoes and made my way to his bed. Edward slipped off his shoes gracefully and helped me get onto the bed.

I sighed as my head hit the pillow I was ready to knock out.

"Jacob why are you so feisty." He laid beside me and turned so he could face me.

I blushed slightly, "Sorry."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead, "I don't mean to be it's just these mood swings they're really getting to me."

Edward nodded with a small smile, "Are you tired?"

I nodded and he got up and wrapped a quilt around me. He then laid back down and pulled me towards him my face buried in his chest. He began humming a soothing tune in my ear and I sighed.

"Jacob?" He mumbled quietly.

"Yeah?" He shifted his weight so I could be more comfortable.

"I love you so much." He said with a smile.

I chuckled, "How much?"

"I can't measure my love for you it is just too much." He kissed my head and my muscle relaxed sending me into a calm state.

"I love you too." I mumbled quietly.

He seemed to have heard me but I wasn't too sure. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted to sleep.

[Edward's point of view.]

Jacob fell asleep in my arms and I sighed. I heard the others outside making their way towards the house, laughter erupting loudly. I tried to get my phone out of my back pocket to warn them but Jake stirred and I didn't want to wake him.

I heard the front door open and then a loud screech echo through the house. Jacob jumped from his spot alert and ready to attack. He looked at me and sighed.

"What the hell was that?" His sleepy voice was rather sexy and I smiled.

"Im not sure but the others are home." I soothed him as he frowned.

"I know exactly what that was, that dumb bitch!" He roared angrily.

I tried to calm him down urging him to sleep but he got off the bed ready to kill. I stood in front of the door and he growled annoyed.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen, move." He said slowly making him more frightening then ever before.

I gulped quietly, "Jake, calm down." I pleaded.

He was shaking, it seemed as if his rage was boiling making him madder and madder.

"Move." He demanded angrily.

"Jacob, just relax you're going to hurt the children." I cupped his cheek and he looked at me as if he lost all control and was ashamed.

His eyes watered a bit. I closed the room door and hugged him as he whimpered.

"I know, I know." I said as tear stains formed on my shirt.

I ran my hand through his hair and wrapped the other around his waist. He was shaking slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He kept repeating.

"Jake, I know it's the mood swings just calm down." I mumbled into his hair.

He steadied his breathing and I finally felt like I could breath again even though I cant. I walked him to the bed and he sat down and cupped his face with his hands . I sat besides him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"I'm an idiot." He sighed.

"But you're my feisty little idiot." I chuckled and he laughed.

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