Chapter Twenty Three: How To Win An Agrument With Edward

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I'm probably going to be writing this in Washington which is cool to think about. How are you my loves?Is life treating you good,i hope so. Enjoy this new chapter I have for you.

[Jacob's point of view]

I woke up to a quiet house. The room I was in was pitch black and the woods surrounding the house was quiet. I turned on the lamp beside the bed to see a note on the table.

Note: Jacob your pack has called us for a meeting, but sense you were so tired we decided to leave you be. Esme left food in the fridge for you and I took the twins with me, so don't panic. I love you.

~Edward C.

I smiled getting this warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I took the quilt off of my body and stretched, It's time for some secret training. My body may not be ready for it, but I need to do this I need to protect my family and friends somehow.

I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom where I relieved myself. The silence was unsettling and I became extremely uncomfortable just of the thought of being completely alone.

This could be the perfect moment to train without anyone (Edward) doubting me or my strength. I walked out of the bathroom and searched for joggers and a sweater. I found a pair of Edwards gray ones and a baggy black t-shirt. I slipped on my gym shoes I had left here and made my way downstairs. The kitchen was deserted just like the rest of the house, so I quickly grabbed a water bottle and a apple.

I shut the front door and made my way into the forest. The deeper I got the taller and thicker the trees got. I found a nice clearing the sky was a deep orange sense the sun was setting. I put my apple and water down on the green grass and stretched my aching bones. I walked to a tough looking tree and pulled one of it's branches the branch was strong enough to hold me so I jumped up and caught onto it and started doing pull ups on it.


"Ten." I heard a soft voice from behind me.

I jumped down from the branch and turned to see Edward leaning against a tree smirking, "Oh! hey..."

"I thought you were at a meeting." I felt my cheeks warm.

"And I thought we agreed you wouldn't train."Edward kicked himself off the tree.

"We never agreed on that." I crossed my arms over my chest huffing.

I heard him sigh as I jumped back onto the branch, "Jacob Samuel Black, you'll hurt yourself."

"Well thanks dad." I mumbled as I readied myself.


He approached me which made me hesitant with my movement but I continued to pull myself up. He began to tickle my stomach making me let go off my branch and lose my footing which caused me to fall onto the ground in a fit of laughter.

"Ed-Edward." I said in between laughs He was now straddling me.

"Say you'll stop then." He said smiling as tears started to stream down my cheeks.

"No-n.."I couldn't breath he stopped and started kissing my neck.

"Edward, y-you're distracting me" I caught my breath.

I felt his smirk as he continued to kiss my neck slower. My fingers laced into his hair and I felt my eyes flutter shut. He began to kiss my lips,while his fingers traced my body.

"So my stubborn pup,do you still want to train or take this somewhere else." He chuckled against my lips.

I hated giving him the satisfaction of winning especially when he cheated in the first place. He had the upper hand and he knew it.

"I want to-to" My breath was short and Edward kept teasing me with his fingers as they went under my shirt.

"Train." I breathed.

He pulled my shirt up roughly and growled lowly as he started kissing at my neck once again only this time going lower and lower till he down to my v-line. I held back a moan.

"You need a break, Jacob,you need to rest for at least two months." He said inbetween kisses.

My fingers ran through his hair and I shuddered, "You won't win."

"Watch me." He said in a raspy voice.

He came back up to my lips but he moved his arm giving me the chance to flip us and land on top of him. My legs on either side of his hips he was breathing heavy.

"I'm training whether you like it or not." I placed both my hands on his chest and started rubbing softly.

I kissed his lips gently and bit his lower lip in a teasing manner. He fiddled with the waist band of my joggers and I pulled away. I wagged my finger at him.

"Naughty, boy." I bit my lip.

"What are you going to do about it." He grinded his hips against my groin and I held back another groan.

"Absolutely nothing." I chuckled.

I slipped off of him and grabbed my shirt from the ground and put it on. Edward sat up with a confused grin on his face.

"Jake why are you being so stubborn?" He sounded frustrated.

I grabbed the same branch again, "Because I need to protect my friends and family."

Edward ran he's fingers through his hair standing back up.

"Jacob..." He mumbled.

"Thats enough!" I growled getting a wide eyed stare from Edward.

He walked up to me slowly,"Jake,your stressing yourself."

He moved a strand of my hair from my face, "So what."

Edward looked hurt, "Jacob you have a family now, we have two beautiful babies and each other, how could you be so careless."

I automatically felt guilty he was right, but that's the reason I'm not going to give up fighting. Edward sighed knowing my reason obviously reading my mind.

"I care for you guys more than anyone except you will ever understand but I need to do this." I urged him.

Finally with his shoulders sagging he agreed, "Well if your going to train i should at least  help."

He smirked and I smiled and kissed him graciously, "Thank you."

"So no distractions then?" I let go of the branch.

"No promises." He smiled wickedly.

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