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Kongpob pov

What happened? Why did he mention the forest?

"You should've not entered the forest..."
Everyone knew that I wanted to visit the forest but no one knew I did. Not even Seb and Terry. Then how did he know? He out of all? Before today I haven't even met this guy.

"Kong you're okay....don't worry they won't cause trouble for you. We won't let them. Okay?" Seb comforted me. He hugged me tightly while rubbing my back.

"What was that about the forest, Kong?" Oh no Terry will eat me alive now. Leave Arthit, Terry is my problem now causing as I turned to look at him, all I saw is him fuming in anger.

"Aa--I--..." I don't know what should I say.

"You went to that got damn forest alone? How many days..I know you wouldn't come back in some Nick of time rather days." Terry's voice held anger and concern.

I stayed silent, bowing my head down. I can't get my head up. He is standing near me. His body almost covering mine as he sighs. I know he is given up. So in order to reel my self out of this, I look at him and smile. I know he can't stay mad at me if I smile for him.

"Don't you dare smile like that...I know exactly what you're trying to do. Wipe off that from your face and let's go to class." I grin knowing that I won. They can't stay mad at me. I mean I won't let them. Seb chukles behind me and grab my shoulder once again. This time I push the  thoughts of my nightmare to the back of my head. My head is right now filled with my crush. He is going to me in my class.

"Look who is excited to see his crush, Ter." Seb says loudly. I hit him on his arm. He is too loud what if P' Ark hears him. P'Ark is my senior and one of the most sweetest senior I have ever met. He is charming, gentleman and mostly sweet to everyone. He was the moon of our university in his year. I've been crushing on him since forever.

"What if you tell him today?" Terry suggests. But I shake my head. I don't know what's stopping me but I can't. They both say that P'Ark might accept me because he is always sweet to me, listens to me and all. But I know he is just being a good senior.

We reach our class only to find that P' Ark is not there. I spend the rest of the days in between various thoughts. Muddled with the idea of facing that Arthit and missing P' Ark, the class finishes soon.

"Don't be disappointed. He might be busy with some work. Let's go to get some lunch before we get lucked out on the good menu." Seb says trying to cheer me up. Nothing is going good. Why is my day turning like this.

"I hope.." I say as both Seb and Terry laugh. We keep it light. But I know somewhere they are as confused with the behaviour of those boys.

"Seb, Terry...can I ask you something?" They stop before we can enter the cafeteria. We are at one of the corners of the hallway standing away from the crowd.

"Are those boys the ones you have your crush on. I mean Mark and Win?" My question make them let out a long sigh.

"Yup ..it's that asshole. I don't know why he did that but it was hot till that Arthit grabbed you. I mean I was almost enjoying his attention on me. But that changed the moment they decided to use force." Seb says. I knew he had a long term crush on Mark. As for Terry, he is a silent one. I and Seb knew about his crush for Win. It's not a new thing. Since the start of the year, we would find Terry looking at him from the distance. They never seemed to notice, until today. What changed?

"But that won't affect us from protecting you from that Arthit." Terry says as he nudges me to move to go ahead. We make to the cafeteria and buy our lunch. Just as we were about to eat, I hear

"Hey guys..." P' Ark is standing in front of us with one of his most beautiful smiles.

"Hi P'." Seb and Terry wai him while I stand stupidly staring at his beauty. Noticing my lack of reply, my friends pinch my side to bring me out of my dreams. I yelp from the initial pain but recover soon to wai him.

"Hello P' Ark." I know my cheeks might be shining in red with both embarrassment and from blushing.

He smiles and walks away leaving my friends to laugh. As we once again start to eat, I am again interrupted. This time by some girl who wants to date me. I politely decline. They know I am into boys. Yet. They say since I am not interested in anyone may be I am not sure. How stupid can people be?

"You and your popular ass." Seb teases me. Terry laughs at it.

"Sure say that to me when you both need rescuing. I will gladly remember it." I smirk knowing that they are the ones who will be left out. Not many mess with me. Probably because they all know that pushing me out of my boundary can cause them trouble from seniors. What can I say, my seniors adore me.
We fall into light conversation, smiles and laughs. But it's short lived cause the next voice i hear send chills down my spine

"A Lil birdy told me that you were asked out, baby?"

I turn to find Arthit and his friend taking seats next to us. Arthit sits next to me as he turns my chair towards him. I notice Mark sitting next to Seb and Win takes Terry's side. While the other two, I guess Key and Ted sit next to each other. To be honest Ted is almost on Key's lap.

"Eyes on me baby, " Arthit whispers near my ear and a shiver runs through me. My body is alert. Every nerve awakened by his voice. His eyes met mine and I am lost. His electric blues are mesmerizing. But I know they are cruel.

"What do you want?" I ask as I look around at the invaders. I know the rest of the table is invested in our conversation. Seb and Terry tries to look unbothered and it's almost laughable if I was not in this situation. As much as they want they still can't deny that they sitting next to their crushes.

Arthit once again demands my attention as his fingers grace my chin to turn my head towards him. He is gentle as if I could break. Yet his touch is fierce igniting sparks. I can't understand this unknown blast of nerves. The shocks, shivers down my body, nothing makes sense.

"I want you."
Three words and my world turns. Cause I know he means them.

Hey guys, it's a new update.
So what you think Kong will do? Who is P' Ark?
Will P' Ark be Arthit's competition? What will Arthit do if he finds out?
I will soon update❤️

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