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"Kevin you're dead."
I ran out of the condo with one motive in my head and heart. My mate. My Kongpob.

Being a hybrid, I know exactly how to manipulate my powers and this time alot of people are going to suffer. The first stop is Kevin's club. His minions needs to die before he can call in reinforces but he must've planned ahead.

I know how his brain works. I picked up my phone and gave a call to local PD. The police are the best to handle drug shits and I have known for some time that Kevin's club is a facade. He runs drug cartel underneath it. But no one dated to snitch on him. Well not yet. I was saving this Trump for some time now.

"I need Officer Aim on call, I have information on the drug route he is investigating..."
Not a second later I was put on call.. i gave all the information to the officer. He is most efficient one out there not to mention am alpha himself.

Now all I needed was to wait. Although it's taking alot in me to take Kevin out, I want father to see him in his true form. My only  hope now is that Kevin comes here. As much as I want to rip him apart I can't. Not just yet. He needs to be here so that Key and Ted make sure his other men are taken down. Kevin has alot of people working for him.

I will not only kill but destroy him completely.

An hour later the property is surrounded by police. As efficient as ever. Now a call to father.  All of it happened in a matter of few hours. Raided and held and wanted. Father looks furious. Yet all I could feel is numbness. I can't feel Kong. After knowing him it's almost impossible to survive. And I know there's not much left in me. I am just saving myself to fight.

I am hidden. I need to be. If i want to meet Kong. My thoughts were interrupted by a call from Mark.

"We have Zane...he apparently came to kill on the orders of Kevin. Kevin promised him Kongpob. I have secured a location." Mark said. His voice held anger.

"Give me. Kevin is not here. That means he isn't planning to come. I need you guys there if possible. I know Terry and Seb are not keeping well...but.." i hesitated. I never knew that I can be weak. But Kong makes me stronger. And without him I am nothing.

"We will be there. Both of them are better. We were able to heal them. We have moved them to the haze. Wad is here with Prem. We'll be there with Tootha. You'll need a witch." Mark was a meticulous planner.

"Will meet at Cosva in thirty minutes." I said and left.

Kevin needs to pay for a lot of things.


We reached at Cosva. It's the location where Kongpob is. Kevin has a mansion here.

"He is keeping Kongpob inside. Zane said Kong is kept in his room but I think, Kevin is smart he must've shifted him in some other place. " I heard Win say.

"I can follow his scent. I still can take over people's mind. It's time to test the extend of my demonic power." I said.

"I and Arthit will take the west wing, Win, Ted and Key need to take the east. There are lesser guards here but be very sure that all you need to do is distract. Tootha you ready?"

"Bitch I was born give me something that belongs your mate. And bitch cover me in your halo. Otherwise I am gonna burn you to death." Tootha was a witch and a friend of ours but a drama queen. I would've smacked him if it wasn't for the situation.

"Ted cover him in a halo."
"I can't understand why you need a witch when all have this demony-demonu thing going on." Tootha shrugged.

"Coz our powers our limited to elements. Yours is not. And we need you to make sure Kong is not under any influence. And there is a witch you may need to fight."

"Oh goodey good," Tootha's excitement was on another level.

Having set the planned. I and Mark took route to the west wing. Since he had most of his guards at the club. We have lesser problem but we still need to be careful.

As we kept moving. We found two guards at the perimeter.  Mark took out the first and I took down the other one.

Hey guys!
Finally I updated after a month. I really apologise for the delay but I was stuck with my exams. But now I am back.

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