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Hey guys. I apologise for the delay in the update. But here I am with a new chapter. Hope you all will like it.
Fair warning smut in the later half of the chapter. Read only if comfortable. Happy reading❤️

This guy is Arthit's brother? If so then why am I feeling like they would kill each other any moment. There is a hostility in the way they are looking at each other. And it's not only Arthit who is behaving so. Mark has taken a defensive stand almost shielding Seb, Win is on alert mode concealing Terry from this guy and so is Ted and Key. Everyone is super conscious of the guy.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Arthit was gritting his teeth while trying to control himself. I could say from the way his shoulders were tensed. I pressed on his hands that I was holding trying to calm him.

"Why? Is that a problem my dear Lil brother?" His brother seemed like a jerk not that I know off. But sometimes you just tend to dislike people for reasons and mine was obvious.

"Looks like you found your mate. And that too a pretty one," Kevin or whomsoever he was said walking towards but before he could reach me he was blocked by Arthit and our friends.

"Wooh wooh--- I didn't know he was this precious. Or is he a afraid Lil cat." I had enough off this bullshit. There was clearly a distress among my friends and Arthit and as much as I wanted to know more about this jerk , I was more than willing to walk away right now. I didn't want a bloodshed.

"Stay away from him. I will rip in pieces if you so much as breath the same air as him." Arthit growled and by now we had attracted quite some attention.

The change in Kevin was also instant. This time his laugh was more than a mocking. This time it was sinister.

"Are you sure that he is your mate? What if he leaves you or forgets you or better die?"  The glint in Kevin's eyes spoke volumes of the craziness and hate he had for Arthit. But before Arthit could react, I pulled him to me.

"Can we go? I am tired of all this childish talk," I said trying to distract Arthit. He looked at me and smiled. I knew in that moment that for today Kevin was going to live.

"You listen to him, a human?" Kevin mocked. Thank God we were a bit far from prying ears. Although there was crowd, they kept their distance.

"It's called understanding..You won't get it. After all it looks like you are yet to be loved," I knew my words were harsh but this guy was getting on my nerves. My words brought a smile on Arthit while Kevin glared at me.

With great effort I walked away suppressing the urge to land a kick on this jerk's face.


I was back in my apartment after the tiring day. Today was tensed. Sitting in the dark I kept staring at the TV. I could see Arthit was disturbed by Kevin's words and his actions confirmed them. He urged to stay with me but I was sure that his brother was trying to rile him up. Why would that guy appear out of nowhere? What was his motive to say those spiteful words?

Surprisingly I didn't see Zane today. Atleast thats one less trouble. Handling Zane was becoming more of a task. I should probably start to avoid him as much as I can. Wandering in the depths of my thoughts I walked into the washroom to take bath. In the shower, I recounted all that was happening in these past months. It all seemed like a blur. I recounted the events. All started in that forest, where I met him. Arthit's wolf looked dangerous. More like ferral. And that's what was scary but his demon definitely was manipulative. I still remember the lewd dreams.

"Are you thing about me, baby?" I turned around to find a naked red eyed Arthit in my shower.

"How come I didn't hear you?" I asked while he circled his arms around my waist and started sucking on the mate mark. I moaned at the pleasure. His cool hands cupped my waist caressing my skin with circular motions while he rubbed his length on mine. The bathroom walls filled with groans and moans. Soon his hands took hold off my length as he pinned me to the wall and captured my lips. He pumped my length while his tongue thrust his my mouth tasting every inch of it. My body submitted to him. He was playing my body like a music instrument. His hands running softly on every inch while the other took hold off how I reacted. His hands kept on pumping me till I felt that beautiful sensation at the base of the my spine. But before I could stopped. Completely. His lips moved away and he stared at me.

"Do you want to come baby?"
"Ye-s ye-s" I answered almost instantly.

"Beg" that one word turned me on further. I never imagined that being dominated would make me feel this pleasured

"Plea-se mas-ter let me come...ple-ase yo--u c-an do wh-at-ev-er y-ou want wi-th me. B-ut let m-e co--me ple---ase," I was stuttering badly. M body kept moving closer to the heat of Arthit. I heard him groan as I felt him thrust inside me in a single go and I came screaming his name.

"You belong to me. Do you get it. If you let anyone see you like this then it will turn bloody." He said while he thrusted inside me like the animal. I could see the shift as his body slightly changed into a little hairy and his left eye changed into electric blue. His nails grew into claws. He growled. He was part wolf. His face remained the same yet his body transformed into that of a wolf.

"Today I am gonna mark you all over again" he attached his lips to my neck and sucked. Leaving huge marks on my body. I was bruised by his bites. I could see some marks turning purple. He was not lying when he had said that wolves are territorial. He was marking his property.

I was his property. He was claiming me.

His thrust grew rapidly as he kept his abuse on my prostate. I came again but he continued. It was going to be night of pleasure.

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