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Kongpob pov

I am alive. It's been three weeks and ever since that night I wake up in cold sweat and terror filled nightmares. I still can't figure it out whether all that I experienced was real or just dream played out by my mind to get back at me for the lack of sleep it got.

I wonder. Three weeks back when I gained my consciousness or much like woke up from my sleep in my tent, the same place where I had been camping to get my shots, I was confused. I couldn't understand what was happening. I was alive, unscathed and healthy. All of my clothes intact, nothing out of place. In order to confirm my suspicions, I ran out to the place where the deer was supposedly teared apart. But no. Nothing. No traces of blood or limb. Nothing seemed out of place. It was all clear.

However, what I remembered or experienced was too much real to dust it off as a dream. The fear, the shock and those eyes. Mesmerizing red and blue. Demonically captivating.

And I still remember it vividly. Three weeks of those same damn eyes had been haunting my dreams. What is more terrorising is that those eyes tend to go ferral and bite down on my neck in every single dream. It's like a warning. That it exist. Every damn morning I wake drenched in my own sweat. I need to shake myself off this.

Sighing once again of my wayward thoughts, I move to take a shower and prepare for my day. I live alone in my apartment near to the college. It's easier to commute. I wish I had stayed with my parents. They love spoiling me and I am used to being pampered but recently since that night I didn't visit them. I just couldn't force myself to put on a happy face in front of them while I would be terrified internally. I couldn't bring myself to talk about that eventful dream or reality to anyone. It seem like a elaborated plot for a movie.

Tired of all these, I decided it was time to head out. We were on break. Three weeks of my break went out of the window. I internally cried but felt relieved to note that may classes and my friends will help me out of my fear occupied thoughts.

That was my thought as I made way for the first day back at college after holidays.


The moment I got out of my car, I was captured in a body crumbling hug by none other Seb. He is a sweetheart. An adorable human being who Pampers me like a baby. To be honest, I like it too much.

"Hey sweets, why didn't you pick my calls? I been trying since early morning. Are you alright? I heard you didn't go to your parents? What happened? You clearly told me you would be going once you were done with your project? Is everything okay? Are you okay...?"

He went on with his questions while I sneaked a guilty smile. I knew this would happen. He always cared. I knew the moment he knows I will be bombarded with questions.

"Nothing...i just got busy with stuffs. And later didn't feel well to move out of my bed "
Technically I am still true to what I was feeling.
He looked worried.
"Oh my...are you okay now? Do we need to go to the college doctor?"
"No Seb...I am fine." I laughed at his deflated self. At my lack of seriousness, he took out his humour.

"Damn it...atleast you could pretend to be sick...that doc is one piece of a hot ass..he looks too yummy. And I have already been there too many times on my own..." I laughed at him. He seriously flirted with everyone. For him everyone was either hot, sexy or cute. No exceptions. Be it a girl or a boy. But to be honest he had a serious crush on a senior. Yet he never approached him. I wonder why. He was confident and always went for what he wanted. Just out of my curiosity I again decided to poke him for some information as we walked down to our lockers. Apparently this senior was a stranger to me except for his name.

"And what about you hot sexy senior...What was his name...oh yeah Mark?" As soon as I said that name he suddenly clasped my mouth shut with his hand and glared at me.

"Are you crazy? Don't say his name...both us will be in trouble."

"Why is that?" I asked as I removed his hand and went to open my locker.

"They are a group of bullies who are famous for their dominance. Once you are their target you can say goodbye to your peaceful life and be willing slave to their commands. No body goes against them. "

"That's bullshit.... It's University life. We are not under dictatorship. Everyone has their rights to live the way they want. Why would they take that away?" I was perplexed with such an idea.

"No one knows..."

I decided to drop my worries about these people as I have never seen them nor wish to. Walking to my class with Seb, my thoughts once again went to that dream. Haunting eyes. Was it really just a dream? No no I should stop thinking about it. It's a new day and I should feel good about it.

As I and Seb took the seats we talked about various things before the professor came. We noticed that we had seniors from other faculties in our class. It was not odd. After all each majors had electives where they could choose subjects of their own choices despite their major.

My thoughts were interrupted when the professor came and gave a brief about the class. Fifteen minutes into the class, the door burst open revealing five people. I heard Seb gasp and his eyes go wide. I poked his sides to get his attention to what he was staring at

"M-ark..." Thats all he whispered
Before I could ask further, the professor reprimanded the students for being late while none of them looked fazed. They took their seats at the back of the class. Since their arrival the whole demeanor of the class changed. It resembled that of a time ticking bomb. Not dwelling upon the unusual account, I decided to take down notes. There were short mummering, gossips going around but all of it stopped as all attention was soon gained by what our professor said

"This module will require you work in groups. I have already prepared the charts. Look into it and start working on the session. You will all be required to make a presentation at the end of it. "

With that said, professor wind up the class and left. Almost all of the students began to move their asses. For once, I was relaxed. My thoughts were busy and I had something to think about other than the dreading nightmare.

"Wanna catch up with Terry. I bet he must be on the field." I said to Seb who smiled and grabbed my shoulder as we moved out of our chairs. What we failed to notice at that time was the piercing gaze that followed us. Before we could exist and notice the board that had names of the group, one guy stopped us.

"You are with me...both of you."
He was too close to Seb.

"Ah....sure..can we know your name?" I asked trying to diffuse the tension. I could sense Seb tense at the voice of the stranger.

"Mark." He said without looking at me and never leaving Seb's eyes. He looked intimidating. His name was familiar but before I could dwell on it he spoke once again.

"Meet me in the cafeteria at 4, we can discuss."
He said as his friends joined him.

I looked up to see a set of eyes locked on me. For some unknown reason their gaze felt familiar. The stranger moved near me as mark took Seb's arms out of my hands. This guy was boring his eyes on me. Making me shiver. I staggered on my steps.

Seeing me uncomfortable, Seb tried to move towards me when Mark held him back and whispered something in his ears. I could see him stiffen. He was now frozen. Whatever it was that guy spoke was definitely not to his liking. Seb tried to pull his hands out once more but it was futile. While I was looking at Seb, the stranger moved much closer to me.

"Wha-t are yo-u doi-ng?" I stuttered. I asked the stranger who was now cornering me. He smirked. For some reason my insides churned. His demeanor kept reminding me of the wolf. The feeling of being hunted was not lost on me.  For whatever odd reasons, the fear I felt with wolf was same with what I am feeling now. His eyes are burning with something ferral.

"Welcoming you.." he said in a deep voice and flashed a sickening sweet smile. That creeper me out further.

"I- I a-m not a ne-w stud-ent," I said trying to calm myself

"I know...but you are new to my hell." He said.

It's a double update
It's started...what do you think of the stranger?

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