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When I decided to say yes to Arthit I never imagined that I would be pampered till death or that I would be showered with so much affection that my heart would swell. Every single day since my first date I have been getting a single red rose, unaccounted amounted of kisses, and a lot more.
In this one week I have been on cloud nine. But  one thing that also became pretty clear was Arthit possessiveness. Yesterday he was almost on the verge of killing one of my seniors for trying to hug me. This has taken me to my current predicament.

"Arthit you know this is too much." I rolled my eyes at his jealousy.

"All I am asking you to is sit on my lap. It's not like you haven't done it." He said try to touch me. We are in his department. Recently if i am not shooting or in class, I am here. With Him. And I love it.

"Yeah, in front of the whole cafeteria."
"Are you embarrassed of me?" His eyes suddenly flashed red and his arms tightened around my waist. He was angry, I could tell. But I knew for a matter that he would never hurt me.

"Do you think if i was embarrassed of you I would hold your hands in hallway or let you kiss me in front of people?" I raised my brow as I circled my arms around his neck.

He suddenly picked me up forcing me to wrap my legs around his waist. His lips claimed mine as he pushed me on the side wall and pressed his body further into mine. My senses were slowly giving in. Claimed completely by him. His hands roamed inside my shirt to fickle with my nipple making me moan out load into his mouth. His bite in my lips brought out blood.

Moving away from me, he looked at my dazed condition. I could tell that he was hufing trying to calm himself.

"Just give in baby. I get what I want. And when it's related to you I will never give up." His words were all wrong but I felt thrilled. To know that the reason for his crazy obssesion is me. I control his emotions. It's power trip that I enjoy alot now a days. Finally, giving in I nodded.


Here I am sitting on his lap and him feeding me. To say I am shinning red would be an understatement. I can see Seb and Terry trying to hold their laugh.

"Isn't he looking cute?" Seb uttered
I was sure they will not stop. I could clearly see every eyes in the cafeteria focussed on me. But Arthit's arms around me made safe and warm. And somehow all that mattered was that. Even when my friends teased I could clearly see that they were happy for me.

"You happy?" I whispered in Arthit's war
"More than you can imagine"
I smiled at him while he sniffed my neck. I enjoyed it completely. Everytime he licked my neck or the skin between my shoulder blades I felt a shiver run down my back.

"Aren't you supposed to mark me?" I asked. I was not sure where it came from. But from what I read about wolves they claimed their mates. But he was more than just a wolf. But what?

His eyes flashed red and then came back to his mesmerizing electric blue.

"You don't know how badly I want to."

"Then why didn't you?"

Before he could answer we heard a new voice

"Finally I found you Kongpob"

Hey guys here's the new chapter. Who do you think is the new person? Who found Kongpob? Will he be trouble. Happy reading❤️

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