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"Excu-se me P' have yo-u se-en Kong-pob?" I saw Kluen one of the juniors from Photography department standing at our classroom door. Slightly shaking.

"What do you mean he is supposed to be there with you! He has a shoot." I said cautiously.

"H-e is n-ot." Three words and I knew something is wrong. Kong was very particular about his studies. Not even I could stop him from attending his classes.

"Where are Seb and Terry?" I asked as Mark and Win came towards me. There was certainly something out of place. Even if Kong was not attending he would let me know.

"The-y are at th-e s-et. We were -all waiting for Kongpo-b as he said he was com-ing." That confirms it when he said that.

Soon I saw Seb and Terry rushing towards us and sending Kleun away saying that the shoot would be cancelled.

"Baby, where is Kong? How come he is not with you?" Win asked Terry.

"He was in the library, he told me he'd some works to do. He will catch up with us in the shoot. But there is definitely something wrong, I found this on the pavement outside the library road." I saw him holding a small bracelet that Kong always used to wear.

For  a moment I couldn't understand what was I supposed to do. Why? Why him? All my thoughts were turned to the recent murders.

"Arthit, I know this is not easy but we need to find him and that means we need help. Let's go to the clan. We don't even know where is Kevin." Mark said.

He was right there was no time to panic or regret. All I needed was Kong back in my arms and with me. My wolf agreed. It was angered and that surely meant trouble for someone. Holding in my anger I tried to focus on our bond to try and find him. But it was not clear. It was as if something was blocking it. All I could see were deep dark forest.

I moved trying to find the way to it. Even if a Lil bit of would be of help. Rushing out of the building I knew my life was worthless without him. I couldn't loose him after getting him. After finally getting my mate. I stopped near my bike as i couldn't get any location. I wanted to scream but my agony couldn't be healed. I fell on the ground as my mind shut down. My wolf was withering and screaming for me to do something.

"Arthit..." I saw Seb approach me. Everyone was else was too scared. I was a ticking bomb slowly  getting ready to burn everything around me.

Seb crouched down next to me and wiped my tears which I didn't even realise were flowing out. They betrayed me. My tears. No one was supposed to see, to know.

"You know, Kong never in his life had a lover. He was adamant that he would only fall in love with someone who was capable, loving and determined. Because according to him it's only these three traits that will always make the person try to win over the other person. A capable loving person who is determined to make the love of his life be happy. And he said you are that. So trust in him and you and let's find him." Each words broke me further. Scared of even the possibility of not having him with me.

Seb was no better he was crying as well as Terry, both in the arms of their mates. We all knew if he was taken by the murders then we were running out of time.


We reached my house in the forest. Before doing anything it was important to locate Kevin. I know it's him. We decided that it would be better if Mark, Win and I turn to our wolves for help while Key and Ted look after Seb and Terry. All of them could also help locate Kongpob through his phone location. Seb was really good at hacking and it was time to put at use.

"Let go...we need to cover the inner corners of the forest," I was anxious yet the need to find my mate was putting fuel to my anger. As we moved Mark and Win were hugged by their mates. I tried not to let any negative thoughts reach me.

I turned to open the door but before I could a sharp pain breached me. Shattering the insides of my being. I screamed in agony as my friends rushed to me. I could vaguely hear their voices calling out to me but everything else was pain. I couldn't breathe. Every single cell in my body was fighting against each other and my heart felt like it was being squeezed. Blood started coming out of my nose and mouth as I felt it more difficult to grasp my surrounding. Each ment was nothing more that a struggle to breath.

With shaking breath I tried to reach to friends crowding me.

"You need to shift. Now." I heard Key say.

But I couldn't do it. Because I recognised that someone was trying to unmate me. They were breaking the bond. My pain would be triple as I would feel Kong's pain as well.

"NO.." I shouted.
"You won't survive will be weakened."

"No---m-ate... Can-'t Loo-se h-im," I stuttered.

Key cried and shook his head as he laid my head on his lap.

"No--ple-ase...he need-s you.. so do us. So sh-ift. We nee-d to s-av-e hi-m. Y-ou can m-ar-k hi-m lat-er. Do-n't plea-se,"
Key was the closest to me. He was the brother i never had. They all were. I could see all of them. Crouched beside him as they cried. I could see them but I couldn't shift even if I wanted as I was out of strength. Only my demon could. But for that I needed humans. We have but they can loose it.

"Stop hesitating, I know you are weak but your demon can draw strength from us human. Use that. Or do you want Kong to leave you and live with some other man. Another one who is going to touch him, kiss him and love him. Some one else who will replace you." Terry shouted. He has always been a pain in the ass. But he was cool.

"Yo-u ca-n d-ie,"
"Our mates will save us so you blood do what you have get my baby brother back or else I will kill you myself" Win held him.

I looked at their mates asking for permission and they nodded. That's the moment I thanked the heavens for giving me this family.

Seb and Terry came forward without saying anything as there was no more time to spare. My insides were burning turning into ashes and I was spitting dark blood. The remains of dark black magic. I held onto their hand respectively in each hand as they sat on each side of me. Trying to access my last remains of strength I used my demonic powers to use their life source as my energy.

Once screams echoed in the walls of my home as we screamed. I, as it took all my strength to access theirs. And them as the energy left them. I stopped as soon as I began. Cause I knew it was enough to help me turn even when I didn't have much strength. Letting go of their hand I saw them in the hands of their mates as they faint due to exhaustion. I didn't take much but still it would affect them deeply. I would forever be grateful.

Finally closing my eyes, I felt everyone move away. I called to my wolf as it came out and we turned. Bones breaking. Each shift in my body transforming me into my wolf.

Within minutes, there stood a black wolf. Taking a moment to recover from the pain, I painfully realised that I was no longer connected to Kong. I waited and waited licking on my fir to heal my wounds. My friends approached me and gave me water.

Few hours later, after gaining my strength I again shifted.

This time with an aim to end Kevin. In the last moment of my shifting I accessed my bond, finding the location of my beloved. Realising it was Kevin all along.

"Kevin, you're dead."

Hey guys... I am back with another chapter. I felt the pain when I was writing this. I hope you all enjoy this. Happy reading

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