~The Girl In Glasses~

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Staying idle for having nothing much to do is a real hustle. It's only noon and I am bored to death. Despite the boredom, I don't feel like doing anything. My body has already started rebelling and the only thing it's excited for is the EAMS dance rehearsals. Earlier, I left to go see Gabriel so that we could come up with a new hip-hop choreography for them. We worked on it for about two hours before he went out to deal with some important matters regarding the coast tour.

Upon returning, Blue was busy working on her illustrations. Since it would have been rude to bother her while she was working, I decided to leave her at it and went to play video games. An hour later I got bored and decided to go for a swim as the weather today is bright and the cool water a refreshment for my body. Presumably, Blue is done with whatever she was doing as she is walking towards me.

"That Vanessa girl was here to see you at around ten o'clock," she informs me.

In her right hand is a tin of vanilla ice cream she started eating about half an hour ago while working. By now the ice cream must have ended unless she keeps refilling the tin. Which is probably what she is doing.

"You're going to have a sugar rush if you keep eating those sugary things. In the morning you had sweets and now ice cream," I state.

"Be sure that won't happen. I have a high tolerance for sugars," she defends but we both know that is a lie. She easily gets sugar rushes from excessive consumption of sugar.

"I am not so sure about that," I say in a mocking tone that makes her sneer at me.

"Anyway, as I was saying, Vanessa has been looking for you," she says reversing to the subject of discussion I was hoping to evade.

Vanessa is ambitious. She doesn't know how to give up when she wants something until she gets it. Now she is trying to get me despite making it clear to her a couple of times that we are done. Her ambition though is not a problem. It is her audacity to cross boundaries by coming here to look for me. I hate to think of the situation she would have created if she found mom and dad instead.

Right now I would be recovering from their criticism. That's without mentioning Blue. They all hate my recklessness in relationships. It is for this reason that I never told any of them about my problem with women. I was afraid that they would judge me further. If not openly, then from within, which is worse than the previous.

"We already broke up," I snap suddenly feeling angry. I don't know if I am angry at Vanessa, Blue, my parents, or myself for being a loser.

Blue's scrutinizing look signals an upcoming lecture. Since it is an inevitable one, I make myself comfortable on the lounge chair and wait for it. Blue as well as settles on the one beside mine on the right side.

"You broke up?" she asks with a snicker. I nod when no response leaves my mouth. "You didn't even date," she points out in an almost frustrated tone.

"We have dated for three weeks," I counter making her shake her head in disbelief. "Casual dating."

"That's not casual dating. You just slept together," she states. "Perhaps we can call it casual sex or something of that sort."

"Then perhaps you should explain the concept of dating to me," I suggestively say. "It seems I'm not well conversant with it."

"Why should I be the one to explain it to you?" she skeptically asks.

"Right. It wouldn't even make sense since you're not dating or in a relationship," I drawl.

Immediately the words leave my mouth, I feel like a total douchebag. Now we've established that I'm a loser and a douchebag. Great. I shouldn't even have sorted her opinion in the first place. It wasn't that necessary because I think I already have enough understanding of a real relationship. Although there could be a slight or maybe huge problem; there is a stark difference between understanding and experiencing it.

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