~They Are Just Glasses~

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"Asahd," mom's voice calls from the door.

Seven in the morning is too early for her to be knocking on my door unless whatever brought her here is serious. I toss on the bed and usher her in. She slowly pushes the door open and graces my morning with her radiant face and bright eyes. She never grows old at all if she's still this beautiful and I don't want her to.

"Good morning, mom," I mumble sitting up and raking my hands through my loose locks.

"It's would be a good morning if I didn't have to address the matter at hand," she says with a hint of disappointment that leaves me wondering what I did this time round.

"I don't understand, mom," I say watching her expectantly.

"Could you explain to me why Vanessa wants me to speak to you?" she asks pointing a finger at me as if to accentuate her question.

"Vanessa," I huff hating the damn ambitious lady.

If she wasn't ambitious, I would be forced to think that she is obsessed with me. Unless her ambition has grown into obsession, which is a doubt.

"What is going on?" mom determinedly asks as she takes a seat at the edge of my bed.

"I don't know, mom," I lie despite knowing that's it's futile. I'm sure she already knows what's going on but she wants to hear it from the horse's mouth.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" she calmly and patiently asks studying me. Quite the change in mood and tone. "From what I know, you and Vanessa have been together, isn't it?"

"Well, we were not dating," I confess.

"So you were together but not dating?" she silently asks and I nod tightening my lips.

Blue made it clear that whatever I had with Vanessa was a skeleton of what one could call casual dating. She also insisted that sex dating was a much better title as all we did was have sex, sex again, and more sex.

"There was nothing solid to make it worth being called a relationship," I expound on my previous response.

"Asahd, I know you don't have the best history in relationships, but it is a high time you woke up from your slumber," she starts. I expected her to start lecturing me about it but it seems like I'll be getting a piece of advice. "I'm sure you don't want this to be your story for the rest of your life, right?" I nod at her question.

She is strongly perceptive and nothing concerning her children easily escapes her.

"Good. From now on, train yourself to get into a relationship with a purpose. A solid purpose that satisfies you while in that relationship. Don't just get into one because you want to scratch an itch. Believe me, there is so much satisfaction in a relationship once you get into the right one and if lucky, with the right person," she explains with an assuring soft semile.

"Do you think there is a right person for me out there?" I decide to ask just to confirm dad's words.

"As long as you don't overlook, there is a right person for you. I'll say like they always say, if you find them, you'll know you have," she affirms dad's words.

"I don't know if I can hope for something like what you and dad have. It's not easy to find a relationship like yours," I confess letting out a heavy sigh.

"We all get our share that's perfect in its own way. We just have to treasure it otherwise it will slip away from us. That's why I said, do not overlook," she emphasizes.

I've grown up watching mom and dad have a wonderful relationship. Uncle Hussein and aunt Salima too. It's rare and admirable if not enviable. It's the kind that never fades. The one everyone wishes for--including me--but only the chosen few get it. Blue thought she had one when she fell in love with Skye. However, it ended when Skye abruptly left without much of a goodbye or accounting for his absence.

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