~Home Again~

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Seeing the sun's rays illuminate the room through the drawn curtains in rectangular prisms reminds me that I am home again. Precisely, my second home. My parent's house will always remain to be my first home. Judging from the brightness of the rectangular prisms, it has to be between seven and eight am in the morning. As usual, there is not much noise in the residence at this hour. Just some distant sounds of a talking radio and the cutting of a slasher on grass. That must be the caretaker trimming the grass on the compound.

I turn on the bed and look up at the white ceiling with a content smile on my face. All because of Asahd Kimuli. Several weeks ago, he landed in my life unexpectedly. With his landing, began an awakening of a gradual change in me. It is no secret that at the beginning, my inferiority complex disorder dictated so many things in me. I always felt inferior, lacked confidence, had lots of doubts in myself, and a few other flaws. All that started changing after Asahd noticed me for the first time. For one, I started feeling a little more confident. It's like the mere fact that he had noticed me gave me confidence.

After a few more interactions, my self-doubts started diminishing and I started believing in myself. It's crazy how all that is happening but all I can say for sure right now is that I'm changing. It feels like I'm being reborn. It is said that love changes people. Perhaps that's what is happening to me. If so, I hope that it changes me into the best version of myself and not vice versa. Whoa, love? Serah, no. It's probably too soon to speak about such a huge matter. Give it time and you will see if it is as you think.

Nevertheless, I arrived home last night at around nine pm. Generally, the festivals experience was great and maybe a little sore. I hadn't anticipated almost everything that went down, especially between me, Sue, and Asahd. It all came by surprise but I don't regret any of it. I only feel very bad that Sue and I had to fall out for falling for the same man. It is hard to believe that our friendship has hit the block. Though I hope that maybe one day, mayhap soon, we shall overcome this fallout and distance.

Our play won number two. It was sad we didn't win number one but we will put in more effort to make sure next time it's ours. On the other hand, while people lavishly spent their allowances to accomplish the must-do's in their bucket lists, I was busy saving up for my debt. I managed to save up four thousand, three hundred and fifty shillings. I'm still short of a few hundreds but I'll talk to dad and see if he can provide the rest. After that, I'll send the money to Asahd. No, it will be better if I give it to him physically when we meet. Damn that chickenpox for ruining our plans.

I kick my blankets and step out of bed. As I am nature-call pressed, I rush to the bathroom and quickly take care of business. When I am done, I walk out, grab something decent and don it. After, I grab some cash to buy bread and eggs then head out for the shop that's just outside the gate. Heading for the said gate, I take note of Alice and another one of her gossip associates talking in low tones outside the former's house. It's too early to be gossiping but not for them. Any time is time for gossip.

The shopkeeper sorts me out fast and soon I'm heading back to my house. I arrive just in time to find my phone ringing with Asahd's name dangling on the display. I place the bread and eggs carefully on the kitchenette counter before grabbing the phone and hitting the answer button.

"Good morning, pretty," he greets with an enthusiastic voice.

That lets me know that his condition is improving. That too, very fast which is impressive.

"Good morning too, handsome," I respond smiling while sitting on the bed.

"How was sleep on your bed?" he asks making me chuckle.

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