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I'm exhausted. It's been a while since I spent a whole day on a film set. All I am yearning for right now is a hot bath and some sleep. I'm passing by mom's house before going to mine though. I need to pick an important notebook that I left here. It contains some important details concerning a dance project that I'm supposed to work on tomorrow. It for our Boabab Conservatoire Youtube channel.

In the living room, mom is busy reading what looks like a self-help novel on the recliner. Blue is sitting in a small working area in one corner of the living room, busy on her laptop. She must be working on illustrations or something else important to get her so concentrated. Seemingly, dad is not around. If he was, he too would be in the living room doing his own thing if not watching Nat Geo. Sometimes keeping each other salient company is soothing and somewhat therapeutic.

"Ah, I have been waiting for you for a long time," Blue drawls with a cheeky grin that draws my attention.

I wonder what she won against me this time because I don't remember getting into a bet or challenge with her recently.

"Why is that?" I ask curiously while I walk towards our mom.

"She has been a bit weird since she arrived about two hours ago and she isn't talking of whatever it is that happened," Mom says.

She puts the novel she is reading aside so that she can hug me. So sweet.

"What's up?" I ask again after retreating from our hug.

I don't bother going to hug Blue. Instead, I take a seat on a couch across from mom. It is typical sibling normalcy for us not to greet each other unless we haven't been together for a while.

"You don't know yet?" she asks with a frown that confuses me.

Mom's concentration on her book has been diverted to the issue at hand. She too is expectantly looking at Blue waiting to hear what she is talking about.

"Know about what?" I ask her, feeling a little more confused.

"Well, today, I met Mawia," she grins in response.

"You met who?" I ask in surprise.

"The girl you won't tell us about," she confirms. Surely she couldn't have.

"Where and when?" I ask scrutinizing her facials to see if she is bullshitting me.

"Today morning, at your place. Salma and I had gone to pick up my painting canvas when she came," she responds in a serious tone that makes me laugh.

"I doubt that is true, Sis. There was no way she would come to my place without telling me," I retort.

"She did. She said it was a surprise visit hence she didn't want to tell you she was coming," she says while scrolling on her phone. "Here are a few selfies of us in case you still don't believe me. Oh, I also have her number."

I can't believe it. She should have told me she was coming. She knows very well that my schedule is tight and trying her luck to find me home might not always work. I wonder what made her take such a step. Maybe she had something to communicate. I doubt that. If she did, she would have hinted at it over the phone. Perhaps she wanted to give me a surprise visit as Blue reported. I doubt that too. It all is unlike Serah. Goodness, I need to call her right now and talk about this. That too, get to know what dirty secrets Blue and Salma might have told her about me. Making assumptions is exhausting and the two can chirp everything up without caution.

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