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I don't recall when I started pacing. All I know is that I've been pacing for a while. That too, mumbling relentless questions to myself. It is like I have gone crazy from their outburst. I also see that I closed the door so that I could no longer hear their cryptic conversation. I've got no idea how long it has been since then. Though I doubt it is long. Perhaps ten to fifteen minutes long. No matter. Right now, I need Asahd to come and explain things to me. To provide answers to the overflowing questions. Stuffed and ready to burst any moment from now is what my head feels.

"Why are you pacing, pretty?" Asahd asks startling me.

I pause and turn to look at him. He is standing by the door as he gives me a confused frown. Instead of immediately answering him, I take a good look at him. His perfect looks can and will deceive anyone. Honestly, I never considered him having a secret past that he doesn't want to be known and is running away from. I only pictured him having a flawless life. I should have figured that we are all equally human and our lives can't always be flawless. Looking more confused and somewhat concerned, he steps into the room and closes the door behind him.

"I have a lot of questions that can only be answered by you, Asahd," I respond as I slowly move closer to him.

Once we are inches apart, I lock his gaze with mine, trying to see through his eyes. Probably seeking answers that I'm sure will not find. Only his word of mouth can guarantee me clear and simplified answers.

"What kind of questions? I'm floating a little," he asks.

I tug at my fingers for a minute before deciding to pour them all out like a rush of vomit.

"Why didn't you want to tell your family about us at first? Why did your grandma ask if one of them? That too, one of who? What is this dreadful past that you are afraid will ruin us? What obsession are you talking about? Why--" he interrupts me before I'm done with my outburst of queries. For a moment there, he gives me a moment to catch my breath.

"You were eavesdropping on our conversation?" he asks sounding a little disappointed.

It makes me regret doing it but I couldn't help myself. I had to.

"I know that was disrespectful and I'm really sorry about it. I couldn't help myself when I happened to overhear your grandma ask if one of them. My curiosity got the best of me this time. Asahd, I have so many questions eating at me. After meeting Blue and Salma that day, things were a little weird. For one, they literally were surprised and overly excited to meet me. They mentioned some things like you refusing to tell them about us.

There was also a question of me being your real girlfriend. Blue also acted like she was chasing away some random girl before I introduced myself. It was a little complicated and I found myself asking questions that only you could answer. Since I didn't want to dwell much on that, I buried the questions but today, they are all over my head. Stringing mercilessly and begging me for answers. So please, tell me about this past and I'll probably get my answers. At least my mind then will be in peace," I implore him.

"Oh, there is also your grandma. She too was surprised to hear I'm your girlfriend. That you have a girlfriend. Why does it sound so hard for them to believe that you do? Are you somewhat gay that this should come as a surprise to them?" I add on in question.

"Heck no, Mawia. I'm not gay," he states firmly.

"Then what is going on? If you don't answer these questions then I'll for sure go crazy," I state in a serious tone.

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