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Chickenpox is common among children and uncommon among adults. However, that doesn't mean that one cannot get it. Especially if you never got it when you were little. Three days after coming home from the festivals, my face started spotting some sores and rashes. At first, I thought it was an allergic reaction to something and they would fade away. Instead, they have spread throughout my body like a plague. Needless to mention that they are also freaking itchy and painful. As if that's not enough, I feel terribly weak. It's like I'm already down with heavy flu.

Regardless, I'm not alone in this. Blue is my consoler. You can call it a twin thingie. If one gets sick, the other is likely to get sick too. It may not happen to the majority but with me and Blue, it always does since we are somehow synchronized as dad says. Yesterday evening, she came home and complained of having the same sores and feeling as if she was sick. It got our parents worried, as expected though, such that early in the morning, the first thing dad did was to wake us up and rush us to the hospital. Mom was left behind but under great protest. I'm sure she was dying of impatience when we happened to stay longer than expected.

At the hospital, our preference, Dr. Florence, during the consultation, presumed that we have chickenpox. Dad agreed that it could be it, simply because we never got it when we were kids. When she carried out some lab tests, their presumptions turned out to be right. Thankfully, the disease wasn't as bad to get us admitted for a few days. Chickenpox can be a bitch to adults. More so those who are at high risk of infections. When Blue started complaining of the sores, I thought I had transmitted the disease to her.

It made me feel somewhat guilty but it turned out that was not the case. Dr. Florence confirmed that we were exposed to the virus a few weeks back. It has just been spreading at its own pace. I tried thinking of where we could have gotten it from but couldn't pinpoint a place. We move around a lot and it could have been anywhere. Nevertheless, it's good that we got it right now to get it over and done with. Though I hope that it will not worsen and that we shall get well sooner than later. I hate how terrible I feel right now. I was even forced to take a nap which never happens during the day. It doesn't matter if it was five in the evening. It's still daytime.

I don't know what time it is right now, but I suspect it to around be around seven or eight pm. I couldn't have slept past that unless I was on sleeping pills. A knock goes on the door making me huff. That is either mom or dad. They have been keeping tabs on us almost every minute of an hour. Additionally, they are treating us like kids instead of the twenty-three-year-old adults we are. It is a little annoying but we don't have the strength to protest against their treatment. They are getting a free pass, which after all this, will be hard to get. At least not without great protest as usual.

"Come in," I say, ushering in the person behind the door.

The door slowly opens and Blue walks in before closing it behind her. Thank goodness it isn't mom or dad. When I decided to have a nap, Blue decided to watch a movie. Dad offered to keep her company. He insisted that daddy's little girl needed it. He didn't care about the disease being contagious at this stage. Blue, having no strength to protest as earlier said, decided to accommodate him.

"You left your phone in the living room. It has been ringing at intervals but right now it won't stop ringing continuously. Someone saved as Mawia with a love heart seems to have a pressing need to talk to you," she informs me as she walks to the bed.

As she hands me the phone, she gives me a curious stare that I ignore. I can see her placing pieces of a puzzle on her solving board, preparing them for solving once she gets them all. Though I can guarantee that she won't be finding them all soon as she hopes.

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