~Pregnancy Scare~

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I'm pacing in my room, anxiety etching itself in every corner of my body from the worry of being pregnant. I've been having this pregnancy scare for almost a month and I can admittedly say that it's exhausting. Waking up every day worrying that I'm pregnant isn't the best feeling.

It might as well be the worst because I can't stop thinking how huge of a responsibility babies can be. Expensive and demanding too. I don't care how much most young people or couples seem to be having them in abundance. I don't want them, yet.

I'm not ready to start having kids. At my age, that is not even supposed to be an option. Precisely because of several reasons. One, I'm not yet done with school and it would be best if I was done with it first.

I still have got several months to go until finals and then graduation. Two, I've got to figure my life out before jumping into such a huge responsibility of bringing up a child.

Three, I'm under the risk of carrying frigging twins in my womb. Asahd is probably carrying the hereditary twin gene that runs in his family. Having two babies would be double responsibility. If I can't handle one, I wonder what would happen if it turned out to be two. Well, I think it would be a total disaster.

For the last three months, I've been working on my music career. Within three weeks, my course application had been approved and I got enrolled. It has been a great ride as I've been getting the best music lessons starting from voice training to instrument training. I feel so humbled to be in one of the highly regarded music and arts center in the country.

Despite the fee charges being overly high, my parents having been doing their best to make ends meet. I've also been taking occasional promotional jobs to get some extra cash. In a few months, my life has turned into a busy and very demanding journey.

From juggling my campus classes, with my music lessons and the occasional promotion jobs. It's not easy as most of the time it's exhausting. All the more reason I can't afford to be pregnant. However, I'm not complaining. I'm doing it all wholeheartedly with the hope and belief that at the end of it all, everything will work out in my favour.

Aside from all that, my best friend Sue and her family are doing well in Canada. We have been talking but not as often as we would like. That's because of our busy schedules and the time difference. I was initially afraid that that would happen but I braced myself for it. It might bother me but long as we are still close friends, it isn't that bad.

A knock goes on the door, snapping me out of my thoughts. It must be Salma. I called her about an hour ago for moral and emotional support as I conduct a pregnancy test. I figured that it is the only effective solution to my current pregnancy scare problem.

It's better to be in the light than in the dark no matter the result. Hopefully they are favourable otherwise I might end up falling into depression. I'm not even joking about that depression part. I usher her in. She opens the door and comes in.

"I'm having a pregnancy scare," I blurt out even before she gets to dump her cream heels on the shoe rack by the door.

Her gaze flies up to meet mine in shock for a whole minute. That's not so helpful. It only makes me panic.

"You're overdosing sex?" she asks once the shock wears off.

Goodness, I thought she was going to ask a constructive question if not making a helpful commentary. I scowl at her and she innocently shrugs.

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